Chapter Three

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"By The Seat Of One's Pants"

To achieve through instinct or do something without advance preparation.

As I walked up the front walk that led to Andrew Lloyd Webber's incredibly massive home, I couldn't help but rub my hands together in an attempt to warm them. This early February cold is going to freeze me within the very next minute.

Why did I ever think not wearing gloves in this biting weather is a good idea?

As my Alexander Wang shawl coat bundled against me, I rubbed my hands against it; I could hear Max and Brady laughing behind me, I don't know at whom (probably at my condition).

When I reached the entrance, there was already a butler waiting for us and he instantly led us along the colossal home, and eventually stopping in front of a double door room, asking me if he could take my coat.

After shedding my oversized shawl coat, I quickly knocked on the door and signaled Max and Brady to remain there itself and let myself in when I heard a voice allow it from the other side of the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I couldn't help but be amazed at the enormously sized room which was intricately but modestly decorated, and even though I had been here for a few gatherings before, I still couldn't help but gawk at Lloyd's medals and trophies, proudly showing themselves off.

"Well, if it isn't the lovely Adelaide Edwards, my lady" Gary Barlow mock bowed at me, kissing my knuckles and then both my cheeks.

I curtsied at him, "Kind sir, a pleasure"

As Gary laughed and backed away, I went over to where Lloyd was perched, on the bench in front of one of his giant pianos, I kissed his cheeks, and sat next to him.

"Now, what is this I hear about the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert? When are we having it?" I asked the two of them.

"Well, Gary thought of it, really. Or was it given to you? I never asked you this either" Lloyd said, playing around with the notes on the piano in front of us.

Gary looked up from his papers, "Well, it was a little bit of both, they were searching for an artist director to lead it and I volunteered" He explained, how the palace was searching around for a director to take up the leading role in the production of the concert.

"And how's your wife? I heard she's pregnant again?" I asked him, smiling hugely.

He nodded, clearly pleased and excited at the prospect of it, "Well, yes, our fourth one now, she's actually due in a few days" he said.

"And you, miss 12-time Grammy winner, how come you're already so busy right off the tour?" Lloyd asked, his throaty voice surprising me for a moment.

I laughed, throwing my head back, "Well, that's just me, you know me Lloyd, I can't just sit and not to anything. Well, other than the time when I write, that's different"

They both looked up at me and then at each other, "Yes, well, about that. Reckon you could help us with a song we're writing, we started yesterday by the way, but we do have a good few lines" Gary said, passing me a leather journal, weathered but it was definitely a vintage.

As I took a few moments, reading the two stanzas which were scrawled over the lines in the journal, I looked up impressed, "Goodness, this is nice" I said.

The two of them looked happy for a moment before Lloyd explained to me that the second stanza was probably going to be the chorus of the song. "We don't have a title yet?" I asked.

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