Chapter Two

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"Ignorance Is Bliss"

Life is good when you're naive to the hardships happening all around.

"ED!" I couldn't help but yell as I saw Ed Sheeran walk towards me with his usual lazy grin, a drink in hand and his head bobbing to the intense beat of the music that was blaring in the club.

"Addy" He breathed, hugging me close and I could tell that he'd been drinking for a while.

We pulled away and I saw Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson behind him. I quickly greeted the two of them with wide smiles and kisses on cheeks before I led them towards my group of friends.

As soon as we entered one of the VIP sections, I could hear distinctive voices of my group, all them chatting obnoxiously loud. Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Ellie Goulding, Bonnie Wright, Andrew Garfield, Hailey Atwell, Lily Collins and Joss Stone.

"Hey, you guys! I'm back" I said, laughing as I hugged Andrew, Hailey and Ellie, who hadn't been there before I went to get some drinks.

As everyone greeted Ed, Harry and Louis, I sat down in my place, taking a good sip of my gin and tonic. These were just a few of the people that were actually in town and could make time tonight to come out and spend the evening with me on Emma's pleas. We had a huge group consisting of all these British entertainment industry people that had more or less, grown up together.

"Well, I don't know if it's true but what? You've been made an Officer of the British Empire? Adelaide!" Andrew said, shaking his head at me, like I'd gone mad.

I let out a flustered laughter, oh yes, the OBE Award in December last year. I nodded meekly at him and he still didn't have a reply.

"Yeah, I'd read about it in the newspaper months back, it makes me feel like we really don't do enough. And aren't you already a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts?" Lily said, looking astonished for a second before I gave her a stern look.

"Oh shut up, Lils. You know that's not true, it's just, last two years have been really big for me and the organization, and yes, to that last question" I said, smiling softly at her.

"Well, what, does that make you the youngest person to receive an OBE?" Dan asked, sipping his beer readily. I nodded at him hesitantly.

"I guess, I think, I haven't heard of anyone younger"

I turned towards Andrew, who was sat beside me, "But wait, almost everyone was there when I threw that party after receiving it last year, weren't you there?" I asked him.

It was a huge honour, getting an OBE Award. And when Victoria had called to tell me about it, I almost couldn't believe it, I mean people like David Bowie and Rod Stewart had gotten that award, it's crazy to think that I was considered in their league in terms of making music.

"What is it exactly? I've just heard massively about it" Harry Styles said, frowning as he drummed his fingers on the table.

Hailey coughed and motioned to everyone that she'd take care of that confusion. "Wait, let me google it and we shall know what our dear Addy has been honored with" she said and I rolled my eyes.

After a few seconds, everyone's eyes were still on her, maybe they all were drunk already. "Oh, oh I've got it!" She said, a little slur in her tone.


"Why are people awarded honors? The system recognizes ordinary people and celebrities who have made achievements in public life or committed themselves to serving and helping Britain. They'll usually have made life better for other people or be outstanding at what they do. If someone is being given a civilian gallantry award, it means have been making a difference to their community or field of work and enhancing Britain's reputation"

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