Chapter Six

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"Take The Cake"

"To be exceptionally good at your tasks"

"One of the first things a mentor had told me before I made a debut in this industry, was to not lose myself in the glitter and glamour of Hollywood"

The MusiCares Session had started an hour ago; I'd arrived through the back door because the last thing I wanted was to publicize this event in my name; or for the media to think that I'm going to be one of their patients, but I also knew all my attempts were really in vain because the pictures would hit Twitter anyhow.

"First and foremost, all of you beautiful people are so lucky that you get to be with the incredibly experienced faculty here in Los Angeles itself; they are so hard working and so dedicated towards their goal; which is to help musicians find their way back and that is highly commendable. So, can we have a huge round of applause for them?"

I was told that I also had a way with words; I would slip and forget a few things but most of time, the crowd was putty in her hands because it usually because emotional.

As a huge cheer broke out, everyone looked behind where all the mentors and nurses stood; shyly looking at each other before looking back up at me on the stage.

"I have been working with MusiCares for a few years now, and it's been one of the best parts of my job; to find such a platform and to encourage and motivate people like you; people who are so talented; whose talents deserve to be recognized and appreciated instead of being wasted"

Sometimes working with MusiCares was a little emotional for me; having seen numerous people lose their identity; which was their music. It's not only drugs and alcohol that pull you down; most of the times it's just life and situations.

"Sometimes life fails you and other time you fail yourself; but honestly, its okay. Its okay when you learn a lesson from it. Failures will only be failures if you perceive them as such"

Soon after the impossibly long speech, an applause broke out and all patients were on their feet; ready and eager to meet me.

Situations like these became a little daunting to me; all these people had the talent to be in the position I am right now; some of them probably weren't too far before they admitted here but to see them so excited to meet me; just another somebody was daunting to me as a thought.

I started greeting the staff first, who had lined up in the front during the last few lines of my speech; grinning with a lot of emotion in their eyes.

"Ma'am, I shouldn't say this but I particularly chose the LA department because of your previous track record of visiting this center" One of them, a lady with short blonde hair and green eyes, said as she shook my hand and smiled up at me.

"Oh my god, that is so flattering to hear. Whatever the reason, now you're here and your work helps people of my profession; so thank you"

The minutes passed as I met patients after patients; each with a different story and a different reason for being there. But they were all in such high spirits, I never felt as if I was standing in a rehab center.

"Adelaide; dear, it is so great to see you again" came a voice, an old and weary one but a recognizable one for me.

Jerka Jenkins had worked with me years ago on my first and second albums. She was incredibly impressive in her songwriting skills on slow and melodious songs. A lot of my first slow songs were thanks to her skills.

I looked at her; first in shock and then in concern. I didn't even know that Jerka was admitted here; I hadn't heard from her in years, yes, but in the industry, you find yourself in the same room with the same people way too many times.

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