Chapter 27

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I left a note for my parents thanking them for letting me crash and telling them I would try to stop by again before I headed back to Minnesota, but if I didn't they were welcomed anytime, and I hoped to be back to visit soon. On the way back to the LA home, Prince asked what all happened in the car with Mayte. I told him it was a good talk or at least ended well and I think she finally believes that we weren't having an affair. "And not that I doubted it but she confirmed your story about what happened that night in the bedroom."
"She told you that??!" Prince asked in a shocked manner.
"Well she didn't go into details, she just said she thought we must be having an affair since you moaned out my name."
"See I told you. I really thought it was you...wishful thinking I guess."
"You have me now wishing." I say as I take his hand and glide it down the front of my pants. He immediately takes it out, leaving me feeling rejected and disappointed. "Save that for when we get to the house momma. Plus I'm not near as familiar with these LA streets and traffic as I am back home. I don't want to wreck us."
After a few seconds of silence, I continue "well you will be glad to know Mayte wasn't coming over for a date. Lenny just wanted us to think that."
"Why would I be glad to know that? I don't care. Maybe you're the one who is glad."
"Only for her sake. He's a manipulative snake. He only brought her there to try to drive a wedge between us or try to get you and her back together. Plus I saw your face when he mentioned who was coming over. Don't act like it didn't bother you."
"I was a little shocked, but not bothered. I've moved on. I expect her to also. And there is no way she and I are ever getting back together, so put that thought out of your mind."
"Did you know she's dating Tommy Lee?"
"No! God! He's old! Motley Crue Tommy Lee."
"Oh...Heather Locklear's husband?!"
"Babe you are way behind on your couples! They divorced years ago. He was married to Pamela Anderson after that."
"Oh yeah that's right. They made that sex tape. Forgot about that."
"Did you watch it??!!"
"Momma do I look like someone who needs to watch other people having sex?"
"Well you knew about it!"
"Doesn't mean I watched it. Heard about it though. He has a big dick blah blah...."
"Oh you sound jealous?"
"No. I bet it ain't any bigger than mine."
"I'm sure it's not honey. Plus he's white and you're black so...."
"Oh my god Jensen! That's insanely racist." Prince said with a slight laugh though.
"What?! It's flattering to black people. You know black guys have the biggest dicks of any race...."
"Yes baby I know. Don't you agree that's true?"
"Well I've seen a white guys, a biracial guys, and a black guys.....and the black guys was by far the biggest so I think the science is correct."
"That's right!" Prince says cockily. "Wait! What white guy?! Thought you had only been with Lenny and me."
"Well I only had sex with you two, but I did jack off my high school boyfriend a few times."
"You little tramp. What was his name?"
"Did you just call me a tramp?! Do you want to get into all the girls you've been with...most you probably didn't know their names. And his name was Matt."
"Calm down I was just teasing. I just don't like thinking about you being with other guys..."
"And you think I like the fact that you've been with so many woman you don't even remember the number?!"
"Well that's just the thing, there have been so many and so many I didn't even know that I can barely even remember most of it. You on the other hand probably remember every detail from both your previous partners. What is Matt up to these days?!"
"I have no idea. Haven't seen him since we graduated. But he's gay Prince. Does that make you feel any better?"
He starts laughing hysterically. "He's gay! Is that something he discovered after you or what?"
"I think while he was with me. I'm pretty sure that's why he broke up with me!"
He starts laughing harder. "Oh momma that's brutal! You drove him to dicks! Hope you don't do that to me."
"Shut up!" I say hitting his arm. "I guess your opinion of me is about as high as Lenny's!"
"What the hell does that mean?" He says abruptly stopping his laughter.
"Well he thinks my body doesn't hold a candle to Mayte's, I don't taste as good as her, I can't do my duty as a woman since I never got pregnant..."
"Stop! Don't repeat what that motherfucker said! For starters, I can bet you all my money he didn't mean a word of it. He was just trying to piss you and me off. And if for some reason the idiot did mean it or some of it, it's just his opinion. His opinion shouldn't be the basis of your self worth. So what if he thought Mayte's body was better. I thought and think yours is I need to remind you that I wrote "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" after seeing you that night. And he sucked her boob for a few he really remembers what she tasted like. I've tasted both of you, everywhere, plenty of times and in my opinion I prefer you! And you know there is nothing wrong with your reproductive system. And even if there doesn't make you any less of a woman. You probably never got pregnant bc God was saving you from having a child with that asshole. He also thinks I make deformed children. He is just a motherfucking idiot is what it boils down to...."
"I couldn't agree more. And I'm sorry about what he said. It really hurt Mayte and I know it had to have hurt you too."
"Nobody wants to hear that their child is deformed, even if it's true. It's such a harsh word."
"She told me a little more about Ahmir and what you and she went through after his birth. I'm so sorry baby. I had no idea it was that bad."
"He died Jensen. What did you think?"
"I obviously knew it was bad enough that he didn't survive, but I didn't know any details..."
"Nobody wants to hear the details."
"Well I'm not saying I wanted to hear it, but you know you can open up to me..."
"Ok." He says abruptly, cutting me off. "We are home. I don't want to talk about any of that right now. I've been stressed out for three days. I want to get in there and relax with you."
I was upset that he didn't want to open up to me, but I knew not to force it, especially right now. "What did you have in mind babe?" I asked with a devious smile.
"Well I haven't slept well in days. I guess I need your body beside me to get my best rest."
"Ok so let's go take a nap." I suggest.
"Well I might need help getting sleepy. I'm tired but not sleepy. Any suggestions?" He says with a smirk.
"I think I know of something that will make you sleepy. Or at least drowsy." I answer, leading him into the house.
"What?! Drugs?!" He joked.
"Oh it will get you high baby." I respond, pulling him into the bedroom. "Take off your clothes and lay down." He eagerly follows my command. I walk over and get my head between his legs and begin licking his limp member. I take him into my mouth and within seconds he hardens. "I'm so sorry baby." I breath, as I take him out of my mouth and place him in my hand. I begin stroking gently but firmly trying to get him to a full erection. I begin to tear up as I think about how what I said affected and hurt him. Thinking about him waiting for me to come back for three days, only to have to come seek me out for an apology. I don't know what I've done to deserve him but I'm never letting him go. I couldn't stop a tear from rolling down my check. Prince looks down at me "momma I can't have you crying while sucking my dick. I can't be that asshole. What's wrong?!" He raises up and pulls my face to his, giving me quick tender pecks on the lips. "Tell me why my beautiful woman is crying."
"I'm just so sorry about what I said and how I handled it. I love you so much. You deserve someone better than me, but I'm so happy you keep me around."
"Baby we need to just move passed it. I'm ready to do that. I don't want to keep rehashing it. I know your heart. And I know I love you. Show me how much you love me babygirl."
I move back down to his dick, determined to show him how much I loved him with every ounce of my being. I don't hesitate to take his entire length into my mouth, his tip going down my throat. He immediately reaches to grab my head and says "ewww gross" and takes his hands off my hair. I tried not to be offended, knowing it truly was gross. I work him in and out of my mouth steadily, making him a moaning mess. "Oh momma, ride me." I quickly remove my pants and panties and straddle him. He enters me deeply and I rock back and forth at a quick pace. "Take your shirt off baby. I've missed your body. I want to see every inch of you." I remove my shirt and bra and toss them to the floor. Prince brings him hands up to my breast and tweaks my nipples and lightly massages my mounds. I begin to raise my hips off of him and slamming back down. He lets go of my breasts and begins gripping the sheets and groaning loudly. Watching and listening to him was turning me on immensely. "God I've missed you!" I tell him while picking up the pace. "Me too momma. I don't ever want to go that long without you again."
I bend down where our chests are touching and leave warm kisses along his neck, continuing to grind him in and out of my wet pussy. "I was so scared I would never make love to you again. Never kiss you again. Never see you again." I whisper in his ear.
He pulls my head up to look in my eyes. "I'm never leaving you. You are never leaving me right?" I shake my head no. "So you have nothing to be scared of. The only thing I'm scared of right now is your hair. You've got to back up. Make me cum momma and then go wash your hair before putting it on our pillows."
"Uh!" I say leaning back and riding him harder. "You love me no matter what. I know you do."
"I do baby. I'm going to send my love into you right now." He says thrusting his hips upward and giving out a loud grunt. He guides his hand down to start to rub my clit but I stop him and climb off of him. I bend down and suck all the mixed juices off of his member. "Go to sleep my Prince."
"I need my princess."
"I'll be right back after I wash everything...including my hair." I say with a scowl.
"Hurry baby." He says as he closes his eyes. I took a quick shower but he was already soundly snoozing by the time I got in the bed. I climbed in next to him and cuddled myself into his body. I was so happy to be back where I his arms.

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