Chapter 45

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I got Zoe dropped off at the hotel the following morning and slowly made my way back to Paisley. Of course Prince was still asleep so I got back in the guest bed and dozed off. A little while later, I feel him in the bed next to me. "Go away." I groan.
"Wow. Not even a happy birthday?"
"Sometimes I think you're psycho or bipolar or something. Have you forgotten about the last two days?!"
"No, but I was hoping we could talk about it and then have some birthday slash makeup sex before going to my moms."
"I'm not doing either of those things! Sex or going to your moms. You can do both on your own?!"
"Have sex on my own?!"
"Yeah! Use this!" I answer, picking up his hand and dropping it back down.
"But it's not nearly as good as this or this." He responds, touching both pairs of my lips.
"You didn't get enough of Lenny last night..."
"Jensen...don't even start. I can't believe what you said. You should be embarrassed."
"What do I have to be embarrassed for? You brought it up."
"I shouldn't have said that...either time. I'm sorry. But you like went in detail! That's not cool. Listen I'm sorry about everything. It hurt me when you said Lenny's name. But you're right if you wanted to be with him you would be. I'm going to trust that you want to be with me just the way I've asked you to trust that I want to be with you. You do want to be with me still, right? That hug between you two was innocent right?"
"Yes the hug was just an apology. Of course I want to be with you. I don't want Lenny, but I'm glad he and I are on better terms now. Well we were. Maybe not after I suggested he sleep with or blow you."
"Well he didn't..."
"Are you disappointed?!"
"No! Gross! I'm sorry for going there. I was angry. I went too far, but please don't leave like that ever again. I didn't sleep at all that night. I almost came looking for you but I was afraid it would turn into a public fight."
"I was a little scared when you bent me over and were saying those things. I didn't know if you were going to stop."
"What did you think I was going to rape you or something? Baby I would never physically hurt you. No matter how angry I get. I promise. I stopped as soon as you said..."
"I know you did. I just didn't want it to escalate to a point where it got even uglier. I shouldn't have left though. I spent the whole night crying in the hotel. I had just dozed off when my phone rang."
"Yeah when I saw that Lenny had brought Zoe, I jumped at the chance to have her call you. I knew that would get you back here."
"I'm really glad I got to see her. It was good for my soul. So did you and Lenny say much to each other about me or any of your personal issues?"
"No he had Zoe so obviously neither one of us was going to bring it up in front of her. Then once you came and took her we were already so deep in the music. Once a musician gets in that zone they don't want to stop, especially to talk about something that heavy. Men can departmentalize and work together even if they have personal problems with each other. The only time you were discussed was when you stormed out and he said we had a volatile relationship and how that's don't normally last and that scared me a little. What was your take on him now?"
"It sounds like he is being the father he should be again so that eases my mind..."
"Seeing you with her makes me want to have kids with you even more than I already do. You will be such an amazing mother. But I don't want our kids to grow up in a battle zone. These blow up fights have to be fewer and further between."
"I know. Maybe you need help..."
"Me?! Just me?"
"Ok's not all me."
"You know they say a couple that prays together stays together. Maybe we should try that. Maybe that will also help with our extreme fights."
"It's worth a shot. Maybe we should give up premarital sex too."
"Excuse me?!!!"
"Well apparently Lenny's new girlfriend is staying a virgin until marriage and if we are praying together all the time and then boning isn't that kind of hypocritical?"
"Well honey you missed the virgin boat. It sailed awhile back for you. A sin is a sin Jensen. I mean we can give it a try if you want this your way of trying to get me to propose faster?!"
"No but now that you mention I don't want to stop having sex. You might explode or something."
"I still maintain I could last longer than you."
"Yeah bc you would beat your meat everyday."
"God what are you 13? Beat my meat!"
"Well let's see who can hold out longer then. And no masturbating either."
"Fine. What does the winner get?"
"For us the victory of winning and getting to gloat is a better prize than anything else."
"True. But can we start tomorrow bc I'm going to have birthday makeup sex with you today at some point."
"Deal. So what time are we going to your moms?"
"Soon. We need to start getting ready. Maybe a quickie in the shower?"
"No. We've waited for each other this long I want it to be better than a quickie. Happy birthday by the way. I love you. I'm sorry for the last few days. I hate fighting with you. I think I just love you so hard it makes me a little nuts sometimes. I haven't ever been this passionate, to either extreme, with anyone else. In a twisted way I think the severity of our fighting actually is a reflection of our intense feelings."
"I think so too. But we have got to have more good passion moments than bad passion moments. One of us is going to have a heart attack at this rate."
"Yeah the only heart attack I want to ever give you is bc I fucked you so hard or something."
"What a way to go..."
"Kiss me. I promise I won't moan any other man's name."
"You better not. It kills me to think you desire someone else."
"I don't baby. Not even a little. I only have eyes for you. I swear on my grandpas grave."
"That's serious stuff. Granddaddy may be coming to haunt you later."
"No bc I'm telling the truth. Now kiss me damn it." Prince leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips several times before he stays and deepens the kiss. His tongue enters my mouth searching it like it's new territory. "Mmmmm you." I moan.
"Jensen that's not funny." He says, barely breaking the kiss, and then instantly going back to his original position.
"Prince I love you. Only you." I say pulling him down and laying flat on the bed. "Do we have to go to your moms?"
"No. You got better plans for my birthday?"
"I wish. I'm so lame I couldn't even think of anything good to do or get you."
"So you honestly don't have anything planned or a single gift?"
"Not really. I had an idea I was working on, nothing great, but I sure didn't give it any more attention the last couple days. Wasn't sure if we were even going to be together by your birthday..."
"Oh momma get real. We're never going to break up. One of us will kill each before that happens. We still don't have to go if you don't want to baby. I can call her and cancel. It's not a big deal."
"No. I just really want you. I've missed your body next to me, on me, inside me..."
"I've missed you too Jensen. We can just stay home and make love all day. Sounds like a great birthday to me..."
"No. I want to meet your family. I might not get another chance anytime soon. If I'm going to be a Nelson I guess I should meet some of them."
"Oh honey I don't want you to be a Nelson...well not like them anyway. You'll see what I mean. Let's get ready and get this over with so we can come back here soon."

Within an hour we were pulling up to Mattie's house. "I'm a little nervous." I admit as we were walking up the driveway.
"You should be. They're fucking crazy. Why do you think I have so many issues?"
"They can't be much worse than my mom."
"Baby your mom looked like June Cleaver next to these people."
"Ok let's just go home."
"Nope. They've spotted us now." He says pointing to a window where a couple of people were gawking out from. "They are probably going on right about now about the white girl
I've brought. Don't worry they probably won't say anything to your face though, but I'm sure they'll be some references thrown in. Just let it slide. Just let any dumbass thing they say roll off your back. When you want to leave the signal is "fuck this I'm out."
"What? That's what I usually say when I'm leaving here..."
The front door swings open and an older lady I assume is his mom says "are you going to knock or come in, or just stand outside warning her all day."
"Even if I took the whole day it wouldn't be enough warning." Prince shoots back.
"Oh we really aren't that bad. He just doesn't like most people in general. We are used to it. I'm Skipper's mom, Mattie. It's nice to meet you." She says extending her hand.
"It's nice to meet you too ma'am. I'm Jensen. I'm sorry. Who's Skipper?"
Mattie lets out a big laugh and yells back inside the house. "She wants to know who Skipper is!" A collective laugh was given and I look over at Prince who has his head down, eyes closed, and is pinching the bridge of his nose. "He's Skipper." Mattie exclaims, motioning towards Prince. "You haven't told her that yet?" She addressed Prince. He looks up at her with a scowl. "No it's not something I go around announcing like 'hey my family used to call me Skipper when I was a kid!' It's a stupid nickname and I'm over 40 years old now. I think it's time to stop."
"You're! Happy Birthday Skipper!" His mom says and eagerly pulls him in for a bear hug. "Like talking to a brick wall." I heard Prince mumble.
We make our way inside and Prince does his best to make his introductions of family members and who belongs to who. There was so many I knew I would never remember all the names or who belonged to which sibling but I did my best to give them a warm greeting. As we went into the living room to sit down I lean in and whisper "I didn't know you had so many siblings."
"They aren't all even here. Tyka is my only full sibling. Both my parents had children before they got married. My dad had 4 and my mom had 1 so that's five of them and then my dad had one with his ex wife after I was born but before Tyka was born. Then my mom had another one with her next husband. Clear as mud?"
"Geez! I'm never going to remember all of that. I have like no family compared to you."
"Don't worry about it. I don't associate with most of them, especially not on a regular basis. Be glad you are an only child."
"They seem nice so far..."
"Oh just wait. You know they're in there gossiping about you right now, don't you?"
"No they aren't. Come on Prince. Maybe if you just try to get along with them for the day it won't be so bad. Try to not assume things. I know it's easier said then done."
"Hold on. I'll be right back." He is gone for about ten minutes, in which time I walked around the living room looking at different pictures and knick knacks. When he came back I sat down next to him. "Ok all my brothers and older nephews think you're fly. Wanted to know if you had any sisters or cousins. Yep even the married ones were asking. My brother, Duane, just flat out asked if he could have you or at least borrow you for a night or two. My sisters think you're too skinny and asked if I'm starving you. My oldest niece wants to know why you would leave Lenny for me. My mom wants to know why I'm trying to stop the African bloodline with my constant picks of non-black women. My dad just got here and wanted to know who the white girl creeping around the living room was and that you have a nice ass. Do you still think they seem nice?"
"Good lord! They're harsh!"
"Told ya. They're mostly idiots so don't worry about it. My dad's pretty cool though. I get my good looks and charm from him."
"Sounds like it. Talking about a random woman's, who is more than half his age, ass."
"Hey now that's my Pops. Just bc he's old doesn't mean he doesn't have good taste in women."
"Please don't tell me y'all have shared any women...."
"I'm honestly not sure. There's a possibility. He was around a lot when I was on the Purple Rain tour and that era so who knows."
"That's disgusting. Well you aren't sharing me..."
"No momma. You're all mine! I about punched Duane out earlier!"
"So did you and your dad have a falling out?"
"We are always back and forth. Been that way my whole life. I want you to meet him though. Come on..."

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