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Seeing as I'm about 40 chapters into this story and nowhere near finished telling their story, I see at least a third book. Otherwise book 2 will be crazy long. This one will probably be about as long as part 1, which was around 60 chapters. I really thought I would be able to tell the rest of their story in book 2...silly me! So I may have to rework the title of book 2...there will be no purple pain lol. I'm half tempted to change my mind for the final ending of this story...I had an idea from the beginning but as I'm writing it I just don't know if I want to go there. So in saying that...just naming the books 1,2,3 etc may be best seeing as I get different ideas as I'm writing that tend to make the story longer. So @K_N_M222 I will need your help fixing the cover for book 2 please 😜. Thanks everyone for reading. Hope you are enjoying book 2 as much as you did book 1!!!

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