Chapter Eight: a Second Chance

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Jonathan's P.O.V.

Things are going well between me and Jamie, we aren't back together as a couple but I'll take our friendship over nothing any day. Hockey season is off to a slow start for us, some of the guys are out with injuries, some of the rookies are more nervous than I expected and we've lost a hand full of games in the last week of October, yeah it's tough going through this but I'm not going to doubt my team, we're a come back team, I believe in my team.

Jamie's been absent at games lately, because of her jobs I barely get to see her and those short hello and goodbye's weren't helping at all. I stopped by her place to find out that she was at her foster parents' house, when I went there Ebony and Jennifer told me she was out with Vanessa.

I walked in the cemetery to find Jamie and Vanessa sitting by Eddie's headstone, Jamie sat quietly and listen to Vanessa talk to her older brother about school and other stuff.

"Jonathan!" Vanessa gasped before running to hug me.

"Hey, V." I said greeting her with a small chuckle and a hug back.

"What brings you here?" Jamie asks confused as to why I was there.

"Ebony said you'd be here and I wanted to see you." I replied with a shrug.

Jamie was trying hard not to smile but she failed terribly.

"Well now that you see me I guess we'll be on our way." Jamie said trying to hide her grin.

"Oh, so you don't wanna get hot chocolate with me? I was going to pay." I teased with a smirk.

"Oh Jamie can we go? Please? Please, please please, please, pretty please!" Vanessa begged as she tugged at Jamie's shirt.

Jamie rolled her eyes and gave in right away.

"Fine, since Jon said he's paying."

Jamie and Vanessa met me at a Starbucks nearby, I waited at a table near the back while they got our order. It took them a while but Jamie and Vanessa finally came to the table, Jamie with a disappointed look on her face sat across from me as she folded her arms over her chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked her taking a sip from my coffee.

"They misspelled my name," Jamie answered with her lips pouted. "It's J-A-M not J-A-I."

"First world problems." I said with a chuckle, I knew how much she hated when people misspell her name.

Jamie shrugged with a small laugh before she took a bite out of her blueberry muffin, I couldn't help but admire her features like the way her eyes lit up when she saw the blueberry muffin, the little crinkles by her eyes whenever she laughed or smiled. I had a good feeling about us.

"What?" She asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Nothing, are you going to that thing tonight?"

"Elina's fashion show?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I have to go."

"Oh, are you modeling?"

"Psh, me? Model?" Jamie snorted out a laugh. "Yeah right, I'm way too short to be a model."

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