Chapter Eleven: The Bad Thing

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Jamie's P.O.V.

Things were going good, the playoffs were coming up real soon and the boys have been on their game. Everyone was excited for the playoffs this year, they were excited that we would get to the second round, except for me. I was so nervous about the games coming up that I started taking a higher dosage of my medication, I didn't tell anyone though, they don't need to worry about me when they have bigger fish to fry.

I was shopping at my local party store for a baby shower Emily and Trevor were having, literally everyone hopped on the baby train, Elina just gave birth to little Oliver, Kristy and Dana just found out they're pregnant and Patrick and Ryan were still in the process of baby making so it was kinda weird being the only one in the group to not be apart of their pregnancy pact.

I was in charge of bringing blue colored candy and goodie bags, surprise! Emily and Trevor are having a boy, everyone was super stoked. Having all this happen with the babies and all it made me wonder about my future.

As I wandered through the many aisles of the party store I've finally stumbled upon the baby shower supplies, there was pink and blue every where and it made me nauseous. As I filled up my cart with various blue items, a familiar stranger met up with me.

"Didn't know you had a kid." Aaron's voice rang through my ears.

"It's actually for Emily, she's having a baby." I replied with a confused look. "What are you doing here?"

"Congrats to her, a buddy is doing an improv show tonight and asked if I can get some costumes."

"Isn't improv something you do on the spot though? Without props or costumes?" I asked him, still confused.

"Alright, you caught me, I was actually following you." Aaron chuckled softly then gave me a charming smile.

"Stalkerish." I laughed.

"Really though, you should come tonight his improv isn't that bad."

"As much as I love to laugh, I have to take a rain check Aaron." I smiled at him as I continued to stroll down the aisle.

"And what does the boring and bland Jamie have planned tonight?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Baby shower and a team dinner with the guys, playoffs start tomorrow and the guys wanted to get together  before things get hectic ya know?"

"Actually I don't." He responded in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, well.. Yea.."

"It's still strange to me, you dating that older guy."


"I'm just saying, it's like a thirty year old to be dating a sixteen year old." He stated with a small laugh.

Aaron was pushing all of the wrong buttons, he hated Jonathan, he hated me being with Jonathan, the only thing he liked was bringing down Jonathan, telling me he's just like every other guy in the world. Aaron was jealous and it was visible.

"It's only a six year difference, he doesn't mind it so why should I?"

Aaron took a long pause as he continued to follow me down the aisle.

"You should date someone around your age group," He said as he placed his hand on top of mine with a gentle stroke of his fingers against my knuckles. "Like me."

My body instantly tensed up when Aaron started rotating my purity ring around my finger, he had this look of lust in his eyes, a look I've never seen on Jonathan even when we're in the bedroom. Aaron had this sexual desire written all over his face and body language. So many bad memories flooded me, I went back to bad places and I froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, all I wanted to do was run and cry but my feet were cemented to the ground. I looked at Aaron as a tear rolled down my face, his smirk was plastered on his lips.

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