Chapter Ten: Memories of a Broken Heart

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A/N: this chapter is entirely flash backs which means it's going to be in italic and in third person POV, enjoy!

It was two-thousand and ten, the Chicago Blackhawks had just come off a Stanley Cup victory for the first time in sixty years. The team was at a night club by the name of Studio Paris, they drank and danced and celebrated with their precious trophy, Jonathan Toews downed his fourth shot of vodka of the night, with adrenaline pumping through the young Captain's veins he felt like the king of the world at this very moment.

Lindsey, a young, fun loving blonde bar tending that same night kept her eyes on Jonathan, she was attracted to him, who wouldn't be?

Jonathan barely noticed until his best friend, Patrick Kane brought it up.

"Dude that girl is totally checking you out!" Patrick exclaimed with a grin.

Jonathan glanced over in the direction Patrick pointed and noticed the blonde behind the counter smiling at him, he smirked at her and turned back to Patrick.

"She's hot, man!"

Jamie smith sat on a hospital bed, traumatized after everything that happened she was ready to give up. Amy, a case worker for child services stepped into the hospital room with a sad smile and a briefcase.

"Hi Jamie," Amy sat on the end of the hospital bed. "How are you feeling?"

Jamie stayed silent, trying to peel off the hospital wristband they put on her the night before.

"I tried contacting your aunt and uncle but unfortunately I couldn't get a hold of them.. Do you have anyone else that I can call? Another aunt or uncle, grandparents?" Amy raised her eyebrows in hopes of hearing a yes.

Jamie looked up at Amy on the verge of tears.

"N-Nobody answered?" Jamie barely spoke.

"Nobody was home, sweetheart.." Amy reached out to grab Jamie's hand but the young girl pulled away.

Jamie laid back into the pillow, she pulled the covers over her head and silently cried.

She had no one, she was all alone.


Jonathan finally worked up the courage to talk to the young blonde working behind the counter.

"Hi." He greeted her over the loud music that played.

"Hi," She grinned widely as she poured a drink for the random stranger next to Jonathan. "What can I get you?"

"How about your number?" He smirked.

Lindsey smiled again, this time her cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"Stick around a little longer, my shift ends in an hour."

Jonathan couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was something he wanted to get his hands on.


"Hi Jamie, I'm Doctor Andrews, how are you feeling?" A middle aged woman with dark hair walked into the room with two policemen.

Jamie didn't say anything, she shrugged and continued to pick away at her hospital bracelet.

"Hun, I know it's hard but I need you to talk to me, you need to tell me everything, we need to know so we can put this horrible man away."

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