Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected

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A/N: since this is the final chapter, it's going to end how the series started, in third person POV so it'll be switched between Jonathan and Jamie just to get their prospective on everything and give you a real feel. It's going to have the same chapter title name, there is going to be a time jump too. Enjoy. :)

Three Years Later

It was a few years after the horrific tragedy that occurred to Jamie Smith, at one point she was beaten down and broken as she would say, 'beyond repair' of course there was the occasional nightmares and nights where she'd wake up screaming but got better with the hell of her friends and one man. One man who changed her life unexpectedly, Jamie never knew she would need him so much after their first encounter, she thought he was a kind stranger she'll never see again but, she was surprised when he ended up staying in her life.

Jamie parked her car in the driveway of Patrick Kane's house where she was picking up her friend Ryan for tonight's game, she rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer. After a minute, a blonde boy by the age of three with golden curls opened the door with a grin on his face.

"Auntie Jamie!" The boy exclaimed as he jumped into her arms.

"Hey Kaner Junior, where's your mom?" Jamie carried him back into the house.

"Um I think hers doing her makeup." He answered, wiggling out of Jamie's arms.

"Patrick Timothy Kane the third you better come and pick up these toys right now." Ryan's voice was heard from the back room.

The boy was a spitting imagine of his father, same smile, same laugh, same untamable curls. You would think he was a clone.

"Ryan we need to get going." Jamie chuckled as she sat on the sofa in the living room.

Ryan appeared with a Kane jersey and a backpack for Patrick Junior.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm all ready to go. Junior here isn't, come on hun it's time to go."

"Momma can I bring a toy?"

"Just one toy, and you have to hold on to it at all times, remember what daddy said?"

"If I lose it at the UC you're not replacing it." Junior answered with a bit of guilt.

Ryan nodded and sent him to his room to pick out a toy, Jamie stood to her feet and shook her head.

"What?" Ryan asked.

"You two are really hard on him." Jamie answered with a smile.

"We have to be, he keeps losing the expensive toys at United Center and he ends up crying which forces us to buy more expensive toys. He needs to learn responsibility."

"Ry, he's three."

Patrick Junior returned with a plastic dinosaur, he stuffed it in his backpack, put a sweater on then his dad's jersey and we all headed out to the car.

It was game night at the UC, there were only a few games left in the regular season and the team was fighting for a wildcard spot tonight, if they win they clinch, but if they lose and the Las Vegas Golden Knights win they clinch also. The team was taking on the Carolina Hurricanes, Emily was in town for tonight's game and Jamie and Ryan were excited to see their friend, Trevor's agent was working on getting him two years back in Chicago because the Hawks needed the defenseman back, Cydnee and Artemi were actually a thing, after he was traded to Columbus Cyd followed him and they've been together ever since.

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