Book 1: Chapter 39

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    Ryder wasn't certain why they decided to capture him and it didn't help that they had blindfolded him. He put his head against the cold metal as he heard the ship land. The two team rocket members shuffling around gathering things. The clicks of the mightyena's claws on the metal let him know how close they were to him.

    Two pair of hands grabbed him and carried him out of the ship before dropping him onto the ground. He heard the two talking to each other but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Next thing he knew was the blindfold getting ripped off and he stared up at the blue haired woman.

    "Where's the master ball." She snarled.

    "Not here sorry." Ryder snapped back as the woman gave a growl before walking over to her partner.

    "Then where is it?" The man asked.

    "Not going to tell you." The woman walked forward grabbed the net and pulling him towards her.

    "You're going to whether you want to or not." Ryder didn't flinch at the woman's statement. He didn't want to give her the power that she was trying to get. She released him as the mightyena moved forward bearing its teeth.

    "You don't want to do that." The man stated getting the woman to look at him confused. "Pikachu, let's use thunderbolt." Pikachu looked up at its trainer a concerned look on its face. 

    "What are you doing?" The woman screamed as she pointed at Ryder. "Use stupid thunderbolt on that trainer." Pikachu shook its head as the woman snarled back at the pokemon.

    "Pika?" The pikachu questioned as another yell came from its own trainer.

    "Fine, Mightyena use poison fang." Ryder's eyes widened as the bite pokemon charged forward and clamped down on Ryder's arm. He could feel the poison entering his skin after the bite finished.

    "Why?" Ryder asked.

    "Pikachu thunderbolt." Pikachu sat back on its hind legs crossing its arms and shaking its head no. "Fine then you won't be eating again." The man spat as he struck the pokemon. It gave a small yelp as it landed a few feet away from its trainer.

    "Now will you obey?" The woman snapped. Pikachu nodded. Ryder watched the small mouse pokemon get to its feet and walk over to where its trainer stood.

    "Alright, let's try this again. Thunderbolt." The pikachu lowered its head as the electricity began to surge from its cheeks. This was going to be rough, Ryder thought as the electricity seared towards him.

    Ryder wasn't even certain of how long it had been as he laid on the ground in complete dark. His skin burned from the electricity and the ropes. The poison was making his body sting and there was nothing he could do about it. Every so often he could hear them walking past the door outside of the room but he hadn't heard them in a while.

    The door opened slight and he was surprise to hear it but he didn't bother to look at which one of them had entered. He didn't hear the footsteps instead he heard the faint patter of feet. Opening his eyes he turned to see the pikachu walking towards him in its hands was an antidote.

    "What are you doing?" Ryder whispered. Pikachu set down the antidote as its ears twitched at the question.

    "I need you to get me out." Ryder whimpered as the pikachu looked back at the opened door.  "It's going to be alright. You don't have to stay with them." Pikachu looked back at him curiously. Ryder laid his head against the floor, his head was burning and he couldn't think straight. He heard a tick and he felt the net give before falling away from him.

    "Pikachu, you did that?" He asked as Pikachu walked back over to the antidote and picked it up. Walking over to Ryder she set it down in his grasp and helped him hold it up as he sprayed the bite mark. After a few moments the fever began to dissipate and his mind cleared.

    "Okay, come on." He whispered as he got to his feet. He staggered for a minute before regaining his balance. Shaking his head he walked over to the door and peered out as Pikachu walked between his feet looking out as well.

    "Which way is the way out?" Ryder asked as the pikachu ran out past him and gestured to the right hallway. Ryder nodded as the two began to head to the right. He could only imagine what the two members of team rocket would say when they found out.

    Pikachu rounded a corner as Ryder remained on the pokemon's heels. The two came into a large area as the mouse pokemon hopped towards the exit. The mightyena tackled the electric type to the ground.

    "Pikachu!" Ryder shouted as another net wrapped around him. "NO!" he yelled as he tried to escape the rope as the two members walked in.

    "You aren't going anywhere." The man snapped as mightyena pinned pikachu to the ground.

    "You worthless pokemon." The woman spat as she walked over and stroked her mightyena. "Good boy." She whispered.

    "Let us both go." Ryder yelled as the man put a foot on his back.

    "Yah, right." Both the team members laughed as the man pulled out a pokeball calling out a mankey.

    "Fletchinder, steel wing." A voice shouted. A fletchinder broke through the doors knocking mightyena off of Pikachu.

    "What the?" The woman yelled. "Mightyena bite."

    "Zoroark, night slash." A zoroark rushed into the building hitting the bite pokemon. Mightyena went sailing backwards only to land at its trainer's feet.

    "Who are you?" The rocket member called as a silhouette appeared in the doorway. Sunlight surrounded the figure making it hard to see the man. A faint laugh escaped the man's mouth as a smile crossed his face. He uncrossed his arms and gestured towards the two pokemon as the man's blue eyes met Pikachu's.

    "I see, this pokemon. It was afraid of you but now it no longer is." The man stated.

    "What are you a pokemon whisper?" The woman snapped.

    "Something like that. Now, how about you give me my nephew." The man ordered as the two laughed.

    "Yah right."

    "Very well... Reshiram." The man said as the vast white pokemon landed behind the man. The pokemon's blue eyes scanned the area. The two team members stepped back as their pokemon followed their lead.

    "Fusion flare." The red orb formed in the dragons mouth right before it fired, searing towards the two team members.


Come on guys who can guess who Ryder's uncle is? If you guess right you will get a cookie.

A Boy and His Dragon Book 1: The Journey BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now