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I sat at my computer desk and typed away, I had a research paper due for my English class and I wasn't gonna get any marks taken off for being late. Taking a short break I stood up and stretched making sure to crack my knuckles and back, making my way downstairs into the living room laid a sleeping Taehyung who's whole body was sprawled out across the couch. His pink soft lips were parted as little snores escaped, smiling I walked closer to him and pulled a blanket over him, he cutely snuggled up to it and I quietly giggled at his cuteness. After making sure Taehyung was warm I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of juice and drank it as I tried to come up with ideas for my research paper but none came to mind, sighing I finished drinking my juice then put my cup in the sink and walked back up the stairs and into my room. Two damn hours later I was finally done and Taehyung was up and was pestering the hell out of me, he kept on begging me to let his friends over. How does he even have friends?He's never ever brought up a word about them and I've never heard him talk on the phone to them.

Rubbing the sides of my head I let out an exalted sigh and grip Taehyung shoulders so he'll stop bouncing around.


Looking confused he pouts. "Fine what?"

"They can come over." I sigh

"Really! Yay! They're on their way." V shouts while running out my door and downstairs into the living room.

Groaning I rub my face tiredly and proceed to lay down on my bed and get some rest until I hear the doorbell ring and Taehyung shouting my name asking me to come meet his friends.

Walking tiredly down the stairs I was met with six handsome strangers, one was tall and seemed like he was some type of prince and he had pink on, the one standing by him was tall and lanky but his hair was a silver purplish color and his smile was cute, he had dimples! The one that was next to the man with dimples had blondish hair and he was short but super cute, his eyes were like crescents. Paying close attention to the one on the far left of the one that looked like a prince was also short but looked unamused, he was cute with dark black hair and his skin was pale and flawless. The next one that also caught my eye was super cute but sexy at the same time, his thighs were nice and firm but his teeth were so cute, he looked like a bunny, a sexy one at that. The last one was also very handsome his jaw was sharp and his tan skin was really beautiful.

All of these men were really beautiful and appealing to the eye.

"Um hi. I'm Cardilyn but you can call me Cardi. Nice to meet you all."

"Hi I'm Namjoon and this is Jimin, Jhope, Suga, Jin, and Jungkook." He introduced himself while he introduced the others.

I smiled at all of them as they took a seat on the couch.

"Would you guys like something to drink or something to eat?"

"No we're fine."

"Okay well I'll leave you guys so you can catch up with each other." I softly smiled before making  my way back upstairs to my room and into my warm soft bed.

Two hours later I wake up and stretch, walking down into the kitchen I notice Taehyung friends are still here but they're sprawled out across the living room floor and couch. Shaking my head from the cute scene displayed in front of me I walk into the kitchen and begin cooking food for all of them, minutes later they are all up and running into the kitchen. Laughing I grab a plate for everyone and sit it on the table, grabbing the pot full of pasta I place a portion of it on their plates before serving myself, I then get the green salad bowl and mix up the salad and place salad neatly on their plates along with garlic bread. After saying grace we dig into our food and talk amongst ourselves, I got to know a lot about the boys and how they knew Taehyung. The one that had my attention the most was Jungkook, he was so sweet and undeniably cute, he could simply be talking but his little cute nose would crinkle up and the way he ate was even more adorable. I look over to Taehyung and notice how happy he looked, I mean he's always happy but this is a different happy and it shows in his eyes. Averting my eyes to Jungkook's I notice him biting his lips and his hands tightly gripping his glass cup.

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