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"Min Yoongi, you mind telling me what this is?" The King scolded his son, he was currently holding a magazine article from some tabloid that Yoongi didn't recognise the name of. There he was, or rather, there they were.

Upon the cover, was Yoongi and his...Jimin? Boyfriend? Regardless, it was the two, several pictures of the two boys holding hands walking down the street were placed meticulously on the cover.
"It's a magazine issue, spreading rumours as usual," Yoongi answered, nonchalantly, his voice tired and raspy.
"Min Yoongi, I am not joking. Do you realise how serious this is? What this could mean for your fut- for the Kingdom's future?"

"Of course I do, father. However, I think the real issue lies in the fact that these people care more about tabloids and who's dating who, rather than real problems."

"Journalists and magazines simply only care about trivial matters, Yoongi. That's the way it's always been. But that's beside the point, we need to kill this rumour before it kills us."

Yoongi just remained silent, unknowing of what to say in reply, his father stared intensely at his son, a hint of suspicion in his expression.

"Son, I am going to ask you something which I should've asked initially," he paused momentarily, allowing Yoongi to be kept in suspense,
"Is there anything going on between you and that servant?" His intense gaze made Yoongi feel all sorts of uncomfortable, he felt his back cower slightly as he was hit with the tough question.

"Min Yoongi, I have asked you a ques-."
"Of course not, father." He spoke defensively, his face scowling as he feigned disgust. "I would never date a servant."

"You do realise that's difficult to believe, surely. You were holding hands with the boy."
"That picture was probably edited to look like that, I took him out once! I'm not dating a servant, father, listen to your accusations." Yoongi hated every word spewing from his lips, but he had to protect Jimin, he couldn't be the reason Jimin lost his job.

The King eyed him, he wasn't convinced but he decided to let it be. In all truthfulness, the King didn't necessarily care if his son was dating the servant, he only cared what the media had to say about it and how it could ruin the royal reputation.

"We could sue them for slander, Yoongi." The King spoke, but Yoongi sighed and looked at the ground,
"That's not necessary, father."
"Then we shall hold a press conference, to clear the air, we must do something."

"That's not necessary, either, father."
"We must do something, Yoongi." The King voiced out, his tone becoming pointed.
"I wish to be excluded from this,"
"Your wishes do not matter at this time, this is about what's best for the country and its kingdom."

"We shall hold this conference tomorrow, I'll call the press now. Be on your way." His father waved him off, without a second glance as he was too busy looking for his phone.

With a heavy heart, Yoongi sighed,
"Very well, father."


Unlucky 13 amirite?
so here's the chapter hope y'all enjoy
peace out, homedogs.

(also I may or may not have foreshadowed something in this update, whether it concerns this story or something else is up for y'all to figure out *wink wONk* :))

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