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The next few days were extremely complicated, Jimin and Yoongi had to hide their little thing in order for them both to be safe.

The two would have to sneak off into Yoongi's bedroom each time they wanted to kiss, hold hands etc.
It was tiresome, Yoongi wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for Jimin,  but this would definitely get him fired, to say the least, Yoongi didn't want to cost Jimin his job.

Despite all of that, though, the two couldn't help but love the intimate secrecy of it all. They loved the adrenaline of doing something that only they knew. Although, they knew it wouldn't be long before they were caught, but they wanted to just enjoy their time together and forget all of the upcoming problems.

Yoongi's bedroom door was currently locked shut, as he towered over Jimin's frame.
His arms were holding his own body up while Jimin's arms were wrapped around his neck, their lips connected passionately and their eyes shut.

Jimin's lips traveled down Yoongi's neck, leaving many small marks on the way. Yoongi groaned softly in content at the feeling.
"Jimin," he paused, forgetting his train of thought.
Jimin pulled his lips from Yoongi's neck and spoke softly,
"What is it?"
"Nothing, I forgot." The chuckled but as they were about to continue, there were a loud couple of knocks on the closed door.

Both Yoongi and Jimin panicked, rapidly scrambling off each other, Yoongi shoved Jimin into his closet, to which Jimin just mouthed in disbelief,
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, not having anywhere else for him to hide, before closing the closet door and opening his bedroom door.

He was relieved to see Taehyung and Namjoon and not his father, as he imagined was there, ready to bust him.
"Oh, hey," Yoongi moved away from the door and walked to his bed, as Taehyung and Namjoon entered the room, their faces presenting nothing but confusion.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asked, his eyes intense as he watched Yoongi cautiously.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Yoongi asked, attempting to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Namjoon's eyes flickered onto Yoongi's neck, the left side of it was covered in small marks that were a mixture of red and purple.

"Why do you look so shady and suspicious? What are you hiding?" Taehyung spoke, as he closed the door.
Jimin felt his heart beat erratically as he heard the conversation between the three men. He looked around the closet to distract himself, only then did he realise the vastness of this thing. Heck, it was probably bigger than his bedroom at home.

"Why did you answer the door? You never do that, you always just say 'Come in'."
"No I don't," he defended, although he knew his friends were completely correct, he never physically opened his door.

Namjoon and Taehyung both gave him a pointed look, Yoongi sighed in defeat,
"It was locked, so you guys couldn't just come in, that's why I had to open it myself."
"Why was it locked, huh?" Taehyung questioned, playfully, whatever this was that was making Yoongi so weird, he knew it'd be good.

Jimin decided to just sit down, seeing as he wasn't leaving the large closet anytime soon. He attempted to do it as discreetly as possible, but alas, he failed. Nothing could get past Namjoon as he heard the soft thud inside the cupboard, in fact he was the only one that did.

Namjoon's eyes flickered from Yoongi to Taehyung to see if they noticed it too, but they were too busy in their little interrogation.

Namjoon walked over to the cupboard slowly, he reached his hand out to open the closet door. When he pulled the door open, he wasn't surprised to see Jimin sat there, eyes wide and looking straight at Namjoon.

Namjoon smirked and chuckled as he turned to face Yoongi and see how long it'd either take the older boy or his brother, to notice what Namjoon had just done. Neither of the two did, so Namjoon just closed the door again and nonchalantly walked back towards the group.

Jimin took a huge breath as he wondered what Namjoon was planning.

Meanwhile, Namjoon walked up to Yoongi and sat down next to him, his lips stretched into a smug smile.
"Say, Yoongi, are you aware of the boy who is currently hiding in your closet?"
Yoongi turned to him and hit him,
"How the fuck did you find out, are you serious?!" He yelled, getting up to let Jimin out.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you are both so oblivious, because I opened that door and left it open for a good few minutes and neither of you happened to notice."

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, looking at Jimin for confirmation of what Namjoon was saying, Jimin nodded.
"What the fu-"
"Are you two together?" Taehyung asked, his eyes lighting up.
Yoongi and Jimin both looked at each other and blushed, before nodding.

There was a brief silence, before Taehyung and Namjoon high-fived each other,
"Can I please have that money, now Taehyung?" Namjoon asked smugly as Taehyung pouted and reached into his pocket to get the money.

"You two placed a bet on this, seriously?" Yoongi questioned,
"Of course, it was only a matter of time."
"Oh yeah, sure, of course," Yoongi mocked.

"Well I guess that's the end of our visit," Namjoon spoke as he walked over to the door to leave,
"What? You just got here." Yoongi spoke,

"Yes but, this visit has been fulfilling enough and I'm sure you and Jimin want to return back to whatever it was you were doing beforehand anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"You might want to wear turtlenecks for a while, Yoongi." Namjoon smirked as he pointed at Yoongi's exposed neck.

Yoongi and Jimin's eyes opened wide at the words that had just been uttered from Namjoon's lips, Yoongi's arm flew up to cover them up, Namjoon and Taehyung laughed incredibly loudly,
"See you later, guys."


Sup yall. Here is chapter 12.
I wont be updating for the entirety of this week as I've exams all week and i'm really trying to get good grades.
So i decided to update this now, so yall have a little smth smth to read

As usual, hope yall enjoy, please comment and without further ado, peace out ✌️

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