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Jimin was walking down the hallway, about to go into the kitchen when he overheard The King's voice talking with Yoongi, he noticed that the door was left slightly ajar.

"Is there something going on between you and that servant?"
"Min Yoongi I have asked you a ques-"
"Of course not, father!"

Jimin's brows furrowed in confusion, were they talking about him? He knew he shouldn't be listening in, he could get fired for this. Despite that, however, he couldn't help but look through the small gap of the door.
He instantly regretted ever deciding to listen in as he heard Yoongi's defensive tone.

"I would never never date a servant!"

Jimin gasped inaudibly, he took note of the disgust that came with every word that was said, of the anger that seeped from his lips, of how real it sounded.
Jimin felt his eyes tear up against his will, with soft sniffles he trudged away from the King's office.

Along his way, he saw one of his co-workers, Jungkook, who immediately put down the tray of drinks he was holding to cater to Jimin.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He placed his one of his arms around Jimin's shoulders as a way to comfort the older boy.

"Nothing, I just need a moment alone, if you'll excuse me." With that, Jimin left Jungkook, who was left in confusion.


Meanwhile, Yoongi had just left his father's office and now needed to speak to Jimin about what was happening. Heck, he didn't even know if the younger boy had any idea that this was going on.

A few minutes into his searching, he started to get confused, Jimin was nowhere to be found.
Yoongi scratched the nape of his neck as he tried to think of his whereabouts, it was quite a big palace, too.

His gaze instantaneously fell upon one of the younger butlers, Yoongi wracked his brain to recall his name, it was something with 'Jung'.

"Excuse me," the butler looked up instantly as a reflex,
"Have you seen Jimin?"

Jungkook, the actual name of the butler nodded,
"Yes, actually, you just missed him. He went that way," Jungkook pointed to the direction of the garden,
"Thank you,"
"But he was crying on his way, just so you know."
"What? Why?" Yoongi asked, but Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders in response.

Yoongi was puzzled but thanked the butler once more before going on his way to find Jimin, the question lingering in his brain, why was he crying?

He pushed the doors open to reveal the garden, honestly, it was beautiful, breathtaking, Yoongi wished he spent more time in there.
There were countless amounts of vibrant flowers of different varieties and shrubbery, all trimmed to the same shape and size.
It smelled like the mixture of roses and lavender, which ultimately was what it was, it just felt like nature and he appreciated it.

He smiled faintly at the sight, getting lost in his thoughts when he spotted Jimin sitting on one of the benches by the lilies. As he observed Jimin, Yoongi was dejected to see the younger's desolate expression.

Yoongi slowly walked up to him, suddenly feeling a strange anxiety he had never felt towards Jimin before, he was timorous. It was so unlike him, but the sudden apprehension made him walk towards him at an even slower rate.

The younger turned his head slightly to face Yoongi, who was towering over him at that moment, making this gathering more intimidating than it should've been.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi spoke out, while Jimin scoffed and looked away.


"Is there something wrong?" Yoongi sat himself down beside Jimin, he went to hold Jimin's hand but the latter moved it before he could.
"I don't know, is there? I thought there wasn't but as it turns out, I don't know anything anymore." Jimin muttered lowly, there was a hint of an attitude in his words.
"What? What are yo-"
"I would never date a servant." Jimin recited Yoongi's words back to him, Yoongi's eyes widened as immediately began to stutter out explanations.

"No- n-that wasn't what I meant-" He spluttered rapidly, only to be interrupted by Jimin,
"Then what could you possibly have meant, Yoongi?"
"You've misunderstood it completely, Jimin," Yoongi reached out to grab Jimin's hand, "Let me explain"

Jimin sighed but leant back against the bench, signalling that Yoongi says what he needs to,
"I'm guessing you haven't heard," He paused, Jimin looked at him in confusion, "Based on your face I'm going with no. Well, there was some leaked picture to the tabloids of us holding hands when we went on our date."

Jimin gasped and his hands were brought up to cover his mouth,
"My father asked me if there was anything going on so I had to convince him that there wasn't and that's what you overheard. Jimin, I would never do that to you, I'm sorry for making you think that I didn't care about you."

"It's my fault for jumping to conclusions, I should've talked to you first, I'm sorry." Jimin looked down and twiddled his thumbs. Yoongi admired him briefly a faint smile resting on his lips, he lightly grabbed the other's chin and gave him a soft kiss.
Jimin reacted almost instantly and grabbed the back of Yoongi's heads, the latter's hand moved from Jimin's face to the nape of his neck while the other moved to his thigh.

From the corner of his closed eyes Jimin saw a faint flash of light, he pulled away from the kiss to find out what it was.
His eyes went to the doorway as the light had come from that particular direction, but there was nothing there.

"What is it?" Yoongi spoke breathlessly, his voice raspy.
Jimin continued to cautiously stare at the doorway, he suddenly felt that he and Yoongi were being watched.
Shivers travelled up his spine at the mere thought, so he stayed vigilant of his surroundings.

"I thought I saw a random flash of light. Didn't you see it?" He turned back towards Yoongi, who was eyeing him with confusion written on his face.
"No?" He paused to look around, feeling uneasy himself,
"Are you sure?"
"I'm certain."

dun dUN DUN
can yall guess what happened? probably i'm not very good at mystery- ah well...

hope yall enjoy this chapter
have a good one my dudes✌️

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