Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Once Kay had reattached the broom handle to the brush itself, she hurried to rejoin the others as they went about the rest of their day. They all acted like a battle hadn't just happened minutes before. Like it was just a regular occurrence – which wouldn't have been odd in and of itself all things considered, if Kay hadn't already been made aware that Eggman's attacks were like clockwork. Late morning or early afternoon, with rare exceptions. Walking away from this battle was like walking home after a day at the office. They were happy to have it out of the way. Now they could spend the rest of their day doing what they wanted without waiting for Eggman to interrupt them, since Eggman was done for the day as well.

It was weird. All of it was.

"So, did you learn anything at the library? I see you have some books," Amy remarked as she and Kay fell into step behind Sonic and the other boys.

"Yeah," Kay replied. "I got a book about this island and one about Chun-Nan. The continent next door."

"Where the ninja clans are."

Kay resisted rolling her eyes. "Yeah." As they walked, she glanced around at the city hall and other official buildings (though there were few), along with some of the shops as they passed them on their way out of the village. She didn't know where they were going now, but the others seemed to, and she was content to follow them for the time being. "Amy, at the risk of sounding completely uneducated..."

Amy looked at her. "Yeah?"

"How does currency work here? Like...if I needed to buy food, or a backpack or satchel of some kind, how would I pay for it?"

"Oh! That's easy. Here on Bygone island everyone pays for things with mobiums."

Mobiums! I recognize that term, Kay thought with relief.

Amy continued, "Generally speaking, a meal at Meh Burger is about five mobiums. A backpack or something like it is about fifteen."

"I assume one earns mobiums by working."

"Of course."

"So...are there any jobs available here that I could try out part-time, or something? I mean...I woke up on that mountain with nothing but the clothes on my back. If I ever had any money I don't know where it went."

"Hmm..." Amy pondered for a moment. Kay noticed that they were now quite a fair distance from the village, apparently heading out towards the beach for a walk. "Well, I can't think of anything just offhand...but you know, if you need anything I'll be more than happy to help you out."

Kay looked at her. "I appreciate that, but I can't rely on you forever. Eventually I'll need to start making my own way. Figuring out where I came from...and all that."

"Of course you will. But a few days is hardly forever. Besides, if you need a satchel I'm sure I've got a spare I can let you have. Are you planning on leaving the village soon?"

Kay frowned. She really hadn't thought about it too much. To play along with the role of amnesiac, the answer would probably be yes because she wanted to find out where she came from, or something. But she realized, rather sadly, that it was not just that. Sonic and the others...they weren't the same. And as much as she didn't want to leave them, she also couldn't simply sate her curiosity by reading books from the library. She wanted to talk to people, explore the island, at the very least. But at the same time, the thought of going out alone in this unfamiliar world scared her a little.

"I...suppose I eventually will, yeah," she replied. Once I get more comfortable with how things work here. Once I do some more reading.

"Hey, there's no rush, you know." Amy smiled. "You're more than welcome to stay in the village if you want to. We'd be happy to have you."

Kay smiled back. "Thanks."

"Hey, if you girls are done talking back there," Sonic said over his shoulder, "want to join us for a game of volleyball?"

It was then that Kay noticed where they were now. The group was slowing their pace as they neared a rather secluded but beautiful beach house, surrounded on all sides with boulders and palm trees. A rough volleyball court had been constructed in the sand – far enough inland that the waves wouldn't get to it but not too close to the house itself – and Knuckles was already retrieving the ball from the other side of the court.

There were no other villagers around, so Kay assumed this house belonged to one of the guys. "Whose home is this?"

"Mine," Sonic replied nonchalantly. He tilted his head. "You want to play or not?"

Kay's mind flashed back to her gym class days, in which she'd been excellent at dodging balls that were flying at her but not much else. She grinned and shook her head. "I'll just watch, thanks. You guys go ahead."

Sonic shrugged in reply, then moved over to join Knuckles on his side of the court. Tails stayed on the opposite side.

Amy looked at Kay. "Sure you don't want to take my place? I'm not that good, anyway."

"I'm sure," Kay replied. "But maybe later."

Amy moved off to join Tails in the court, and the game began. Kay did watch for a while, noticing how expertly they all played – Sonic especially.

They may be different, she said to herself, but it's still Sonic. Still Tails, Amy, and Knuckles. And being here with them is still the best feeling ever.

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