Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Once again all of Kay's optimism about Bygone Island's more "exciting" aspects was quickly crushed by the reality that there was no such thing as excitement here. Not really. Not in the way she was used to, or the way she hoped for.

The battle against Eggman was over as quickly as it had arrived, if one could even call it a battle. Even while she'd stood aside and watched Sonic and the others in their element, she knew that as soon as their daily spat was over they'd go right back to what they were doing before. And that's exactly what happened.

Amy and Sonic had invited her back to his place to play some beach volleyball, but Kay declined and instead went back to Amy's house, where she collected the two books she'd been reading over the past week, stuffed them in her borrowed satchel, and started off at a leisurely pace towards the library.

The transport is here by now, Kay thought to herself as she passed by the villagers, who paid no attention to her. If it hasn't already returned to Chun-Nan then it will either this evening or tomorrow. She took a deep breath before solidifying her next thought with spoken words. "I have to get on that transport."

Saying it out loud brought a whole new level of fear to the situation. All of her doubts about what might be waiting for her beyond the horizon rushed back at once, and Kay almost took back what she'd said – though no one but herself would even know if she'd changed her mind or care one way or the other.

Kay frowned as she walked, intrigued by that last thought. If I left Bygone Island today, no one would care. I wouldn't be missed. This Sonic and his friends barely know who I am. Amy is the only one who might worry, but she'll forget about me soon enough. I wouldn't be hurting anyone's feelings by leaving. It's just a matter of if I can walk away from this new Sonic or not.

She battled with herself the entire way to the library, gradually growing more and more tired of her internal debate until it finally sparked a flame of irritation. I have to stop being so afraid. If I stay here for the rest of my life I'll be miserable. I just know it. I have to at least try and see what more is out there. And if all else fails, I can come back. But I'll never know if I don't go. I have to go. I have to!

Kay walked up the few steps to the library's front door and pushed it open. Inside at the desk, the beaver looked up at her with boredom.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

Kay retrieved the books she'd been carrying, setting them on the desk. "I'd like to return these."

"Noted. Will you be checking out anything else today?"

"No." She shook her head. "I'll be leaving the island very soon. Thank you, though."

"Also noted. Have a good day."

The beaver pulled the books from his desk, glanced at them briefly, then waddled away to reshelve them. Kay turned and walked back outside, her satchel lighter and her heart racing with a kind of nervous excitement. The only thing she had to do now was get enough mobiums to get herself onto that transport. She had no idea how much it would be, or where she would get the money, but she knew she had to figure it out fast. Perhaps she could cash in on Amy's offer of financial help – just enough to get her on her way. She'd figure out the rest as she went along.

Pausing for a moment on the front steps of the library, Kay glanced out at the village before her – looking exactly as it had the first time she'd seen it. True, it had only been a week, but nothing had changed since her arrival. And nothing ever would change. Bygone seemed to be in a perpetual state of repetitiveness. And Kay had no wish to live her life on repeat.

She started her trek back to Amy's beach house.


Her original plan – having had a couple of hours alone to think it over – was to leave the following morning. She rationalized that even if the transport had arrived in the early morning today, it would need to stay in the harbor for at least twenty-four hours while the passengers disembarked, the crew recuperated, and the ship itself was restocked for a return voyage. She felt fairly certain that it would leave the following morning, which would give its outgoing passengers a chance to gather their things and get to the host village in time – if there was anyone else besides Kay who was actually planning on leaving Bygone.

That would also give her a chance to say goodbye to Sonic and the others, which she knew would only be emotional on her part, as they didn't know her very well. The most she expected was perhaps a good luck hug from Amy, and maybe an approving nod from Tails.

As it turned out, she would never know.

Kay woke in the middle of the night with a start. She sat up and glanced out the window at the sea, and somehow felt that it was calling to her. She was confused and uncertain for only a moment, as the persistent tugging in her chest urged her to get up and move. Kay walked silently towards the door, where her satchel sat on a small entryway table. The more active she became, the more she prepared to leave earlier than expected, the more she knew that this was it. The time had come, and she had to leave. Now.

She was silent as she slung the strap of the satchel over her shoulder and then moved to open the door, pausing just before placing her hand on the knob. Did she really have to leave now? Why did she suddenly feel so urgent? She considered for only a moment, then she felt the tug again and her resolve strengthened. Somehow she knew that she needed to leave now if she wanted to catch that transport off the island. And if she didn't catch this one, who knew how long it would be before the next?

She looked back over her shoulder at Amy, asleep in her hammock, and Kay's heart ached. She longed to be able to say goodbye, but perhaps it was for the best that she wouldn't have the chance. She may get too emotional and change her mind, despite knowing how miserable she'd be if she stayed. With a shaky breath, Kay turned the doorknob, slipped out into the warm night air, and then paused again.

"Thank you," she whispered to Amy's sleeping form. "And goodbye."

Then she closed the door to Amy's home. She turned on her heel. And she sprinted away from the last piece of familiarity she had left in this changed world.

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