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They'd been watching her.

Ever since she arrived, they'd been watching her.

She was different. She asked questions. She wanted to know more. She was dissatisfied with what the island had to offer, so she left it.

She defended herself when their clan attacked. She wanted to survive.

No. She wanted to live.

She was positively radiant with residue from the Prime Realm.

She was the one. She would be their bridge. She would bring them home.

"We must have her," said one. "She must be persuaded to our side."

"She will be," said another. "We have just the warrior for the job. Soon we will meet her face to face. I guarantee it."

They both turned to the one in the shadows.

"Please, bring her to us."

The one in the shadows was silent.

He nodded once.

To be continued...


War rages on Chun-Nan, and Kay must choose a side.

Narrowly escaping the Yagyu Clan's attack, Kay is reunited with Espio the Chameleon – though he, too, has changed dramatically. No longer a simple ninja warrior, her old friend is now the crown prince of a centuries-old empire that finds itself threatened by the presence of a group who call themselves the Dimension Keepers. On the surface it seems their sole intent is to separate the clans and destroy the regime, but as tensions rise and Kay learns more about the history of this new world, she discovers that Espio's enemies have an even deeper motive behind their actions. One that Kay thinks she could support...

"The Dimension Keepers"

November 2017

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