Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

This Mobius' history was so far removed from the one Kay remembered that it was hard to believe it was still the same planet. According to her two history books, the world had first been populated by beings that were now referred to as The Ancients. They had been extremely advanced; their technology had developed faster and been more complicated than anything the world had seen since. According to the books, even Tails wouldn't be able to comprehend their level of technological genius.

The Ancients were in power for a thousand years, living in perfect harmony with nature despite their technology being so far ahead of its time. They drew all the power they needed from magic crystals embedded within the earth, never taking more than they needed to survive and thrive. But all of that was threatened when a rogue Ancient by the name of Lyric began to seek the crystals' power for more than just survival.

Kay vaguely remembered Sonic mentioning him to her earlier that morning.

Lyric sought to use the energy from the earth's crystals to power an army of machines that would eradicate all organic life in the world. The rest of the Ancients banded together to stop him and imprisoned him in a cave deep in a jungle, away from civilization, where no one could easily find him.

But Lyric's schemes had caused the Ancients to begin to dwindle in numbers. After another hundred years, they had vanished from the world completely, leaving Lyric as the sole survivor of their race.

There was nothing in the book to explain what had become of him recently, but judging by her conversation with Sonic, he had apparently been released back into the world for a short time before being put back in prison where he belonged.

The book also said nothing about the time between the Ancients and the rise of the current population of Mobians – or where the Mobians came from, really. If there were Chaos Emeralds in this universe, Kay could have put together an idea or two. But without them she was clueless. Maybe these magic earth crystals were involved somehow. She'd have to do more reading on them later, for sure. She was intrigued by their existence and wondered if they were somehow meant to replace the power of the Chaos Emeralds from Mobius Prime.

After more reading Kay learned that Mobius was evidently in the year 3042, with the first thousand or so years being marked as "The Time of the Ancients." Current Mobian history didn't begin until partway through the 1050s, which meant that at the most they were only a 2000 year-old species, which officially meant they were younger here than they had been on Prime.

Mobian history seemed to begin in Chun-Nan and gradually spread across the rest of the world. Chun-Nan was the largest and most populated continent to this day. As it turned out, Bygone Island was actually a relatively newly populated spot of land in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't even 100 years old yet. In light of this, Kay really began to wonder why no one here seemed to know or care about the rest of the world – especially Sonic, who had always been an adventurous, explorative type. Why was Bygone so removed from the rest of Mobius?

After a long stretch of reading, Kay turned the page to see a section written in an unfamiliar language. She flipped through the next few pages of the section to find it was all the same text, with illustrations dispersed throughout. It looked to be some sort of Ancient writing. Since she couldn't understand it and her eyes were beginning to grow tired anyway, Kay let the pages fall back into place and lifted her head to look at her surroundings.

But as she did so, she noticed something for the first time. The left page was the one she'd just finished reading. The right was where the Ancient text began. But the text on the left page wasn't in English. The letters weren't English ones. They were odd shapes fitted together in strange patterns...but she could read them. After a moment's confusion, Kay realized that it must be the Mobian alphabet she was looking at. Mobian characters and letters.

She could read Mobian!

Kay smiled at the realization. How cool was that?

At last she turned her eyes to her immediate surroundings. She'd chosen a table near the entrance of Meh Burger so she could better handle the larger history book when she finally got to it. She had no idea how much time had passed exactly, but judging where the sun was now, she had been out here for at least an hour or two after leaving Tails' workshop.

Immediately she remembered her conversation with him, but she tried to shake it off and not worry about it too much for now. She had no reason to think any of the gang would turn on her, no matter what Sticks said. There was no reason for her to have to leave this little village right now. And she was slowly learning more about the world so she could be more in-the-know. She would be fine.

With a satisfied sigh, Kay closed the world history book, gathered it and the smaller one up in her arms, and left Meh Burger for Amy's house. She'd drop them off there and then see what the others were up to. Now that she had a general idea of the planet's history, it was time she got more personal.

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