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The lair was quiet. The lights were dim, the monitors on low power. All robots on the premises in sleep mode. Mobius was in the early morning hours - earlier even than when the lair's master arose to prepare for his day of battle against Sonic the Hedgehog. Everything was silent.

Then a single blip popped up on the main screen in the observation room, soundlessly announcing the presence of a tiny anomaly on the peak of Mount Safety. The blip remained for a few moments, silently flashing yellow, before suddenly flaring red in the next instant.

The lights all came on at once. The lair's alarm system blared. Two sleeping robots awoke, along with the lair's master. It only took a minute for the three of them to burst into the observation room at once. Dr. Eggman was still wearing his full-body pink pajamas.

"What's going on?" he demanded, rushing up to the main control panel and plopping into the chair hovering before it. A few taps later he yelled again. "Turn off that blasted alarm!"

The silence returned instantly.

Dr. Eggman's fingers flew across the board expertly, isolating the flashing red blip and opening up the live feed from the camera he had placed there to spy on Sonic. What he saw made him lean forward, frowning at the screen.

It was...a female hedgehog? Materializing out of thin air! The only thing signaling her arrival was a faint golden light as she came into focus from head to toe. As soon as her full body was visible, the light disappeared and she fell gracefully to the ground, where she remained, apparently unconscious.

Eggman zoomed in, peering at the hedgehog.

"What was that?" Orbot asked.

"Where'd she come from?" Cubot inquired.

"Quiet, idiots. That alarm was specifically to alert me when an anomaly in the space-time continuum appeared. That girl just came here from another dimension."

"Sounded just like every other alarm to me," Cubot said. Orbot smacked him.

More furious tapping at the panel, and still no movement from the girl. Eggman began muttering to himself. "No doubt that brat Tails will have gotten an alert, too. He'll tell Sonic and they'll be there long before I get there. Unless..." Suddenly he sprang from his chair, knocking it into the path of his robot minions, thus knocking them over. He paid them no heed. "To the Egg Carrier! I've got an anomaly to investigate, and I'm not letting Sonic stop me this time!"

With that, he raced from the room. Orbot helped Cubot up and the two trailed behind him slowly. Orbot sighed. "That's what he says every time."

The doors closed behind them, and the room was silent again.

On the screen, the girl's chest rose and fell for the first time.

Everything Changes (A Sonic Boom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now