Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Another couple of days later, Amy had successfully convinced Sticks to join her and "the alien" on what was planned to be an overnight girls trip around Bygone's various villages – of which there weren't many, Kay was informed. Bags were packed, the routes were chosen, and everything was in order, just as Amy said it would be. It felt odd to Kay to have someone pack for her, but then she didn't want to intrude on Amy's territory and she certainly didn't want to give Sticks any more reasons to suspect her, so she went along with the plans graciously. As nervous as she was to leave this village for the first time, she was mostly excited to finally be moving, exploring. Seeing more of this new world she'd landed in. This weekend was going to be the first in what she hoped would eventually be a long list of new adventures for her. She couldn't wait.

Amy and Kay set out early that first morning after having informed the boys of their plan the day before. Their respective backpacks slung over their shoulders (conveniently matching each of the girls' dresses, Kay noted), they struck out for Sticks' forest home as their first stop. It was Kay's first time seeing the badger's abode. It was extremely rustic and sported no small number of odd items, but it seemed to fit Sticks' personality very well. Kay simply took it in as best she could before Sticks finished gathering her things and the three girls left the familiar part of Bygone behind them.

The journey to the first village was interesting, to say the least. While there was some relief from the heat of the day due to their walking under the cover of the forest shade, the first half of the walk was mostly Sticks trying to convince Amy of all the reasons why this was probably a bad idea and why she was only going along to protect her friend from this outcast that was clearly an alien spy, and so on and so on. It wasn't until they were nearing the village after about an hour of walking that Kay finally tried to defend herself.

"Sticks, I've been living with Amy for almost an entire week now. Don't you think if I wanted to hurt her I would have done so already? I've had plenty of opportunities."

Sticks glanced over her shoulder at Kay. "You could just be waiting for an opportune moment, after you've earned her trust and learned all our secrets."

"What good would that do me?"

"If you learn all our secrets and then kill Amy, you won't have anyone to speak against you when the rest of your kind invade and become our overlords. You'll look innocent, but I'll know better."

Kay quirked a brow. "Then I will have someone to speak against me if that happens, because you'll have seen me do all that stuff."

Sticks whirled on her. "Don't try to trick me, villain! I'm a wild badger; survival is my middle name!"

At this point Amy rolled her eyes and put her hand on Stick's shoulder. "All right, all right. Let's all just calm down and try to get along. This trip is supposed to be fun! And just think, Sticks. If any of these villages recognize Kay as one of theirs that will not only prove she's not an alien, but it will also give her a reason to leave our village."

Kay frowned, but when she saw Sticks' eyes light up, she decided not to argue. She'd rather have the badger on her side than against her for the remainder of the trip, even if her motivations were a bit wonky and unfounded.

"Let's go!" Sticks cried, picking up her pace. "The village is just up ahead." Then she turned back and gave Kay the 'I'm watching you' sign before hurrying on forward.

Kay looked to Amy with a question in her eyes, curious about what she'd said to Sticks, but the pink hedgehog just shrugged and followed her friend. After a moment's contemplation, Kay followed as well.


The first village they visited was very much a coastal one, functioning mainly as a mini-harbor of sorts to accommodate the ships coming in from what Kay knew to be Chun-Nan but everyone else simply referred to as "the continent." It was clear pretty early on that no one in the village knew a thing about Kay, so Amy was determined to keep moving. But the explorer side of Kay was taking over now that she was finally around someplace new, and she wanted to visit the tiny harbor and walk along the dock before they ventured onward.

Kay stepped onto the dock alone, as the other girls had no interest in "exploring" such a small area. It was pretty small – it could probably only host two or three ships at a time – but it was still something she'd never seen before.

As she was taking in the beauty of the scenery around her, Kay bumped into a small Mobian who was probably some sort of beaver. He gave her a once-over, then said, "If you're heading back to the continent you'd best be on your way. The next ship is preparing to leave as we speak."

"Oh." Kay shook her head. "I'm not leaving. I was just enjoying the view."

He gave her another look. "You a foreigner?"

"I'm...I'm from a village a few miles back that direction," Kay replied, waving her hand the way the three girls had come from.

"You sure seem clueless for someone who lives so close by."

Kay did not want to have to explain her situation to this stranger, so instead she asked a question that had been on her mind since she saw the docks. "Does this harbor only host supply ships or are there casual transports to the continent as well?"

"Casual transport is by demand only; the next ship from the continent is scheduled to arrive either tomorrow or the day after."

"Is there a fee?"

The beaver looked at her again. "Of course there's a fee."

Kay decided that she probably had overstayed her welcome on this dock as it was, and the beaver most likely had other duties to attend to. So with a word of thanks, she quickly made her way to the other end of the dock, where she saw Amy and Sticks already drifting beyond the village border, anxious to continue on. As she stepped back onto the white sands of the beach, the ship that was preparing for departure slowly began to move away from the dock, and various shouts were heard aboard as its passengers scrambled around to ensure a clean exit.

Kay watched the ship pull away – away from Bygone, away from this mundane lifestyle the islanders all seemed to share – and for just a moment, she wished she could be going with it. But she quickly shook off the thought and hurried to catch up with Amy and Sticks. There was an entire island left to explore. Surely she'd find someplace nearby that was at least a little exciting.

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