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Luciel was still watching me. I could feel that he was sad or disappointed with himself.
"Luciel? Why did you do that?" Silence. I ask again.
"Luciel please," This time I look at the camera. Without a doubt, I can feel that he's looking back.
"I-I just wanted you back. There was no other way..." I sighed.
What did I get myself into? I'm in love with Saeran, Luciel's depressed, and I don't think telling him that I like Saeran will make him feel any better.
"Let's go meet up with the RFA today Luciel! Maybe..That'll make you feel better," I smile hopefully at the camera.
This smile has to work.
"Sure MC. Anything for you," He shuts the camera and intercom off and unlocks the door.
'Anything for you'. And that's exactly what you did.
I quickly put on my jacket and run out the door, with Luciel's hand. Making him blush.
"Do you think they'd want to go to the store? Or no?" He smiles in a while, that beautiful smile.
"Well, Zen and Jaehee would definitely want too," We share a laugh.
"And Jumin would probably want to go to a cat store to get a toy for Elizabeth," We laugh again, suddenly he stops.
"I know! Let's go see Elly," I frown.
"Really? What would we do there for hours?" He jumps back and blushes.
"I-I didn't know you want to spend hours with m-me..." I blush too.
"N-No! I'm mean I just miss spending time with y-you," He smiles again.
"I know what you mean," Its silent, I look around the sky. I suddenly got an idea.
"Let's go to d-dinner, I-I mean like as f-friends,"

We arrive to a place called Chicken and Food. It's menu is mostly chicken.
"So what are you getting?" He looks back up at me from his menu.
"Cheeseburger and Fries. You?" I chuckle, that exactly something he would get.
"Chicken," He also chuckles, soon the waiter comes and takes out order.
He points and Luciel to take his order.
"Cheeseburger and Fries," The waiter nods.
"And for the lady?" I blush as he says it, Luciel seems to look mad.
"I would like chicken please," The  waiter laughs.
"Okay, I'll get your food in a little bit," He walks away, but before he turns the corner, he looks as me. Making me blush even more.
"Hey, is something wrong?" I put my hand on his, he quickly blushes, so do I.
"Yeah, it's just that, that guy was flirting with you." I smile and laugh.
"You don't say 'yeah' in the beginning of a sentence if something wrong, and he wasn't flirting with me, he just asked for my order," He huffs.

Our food shortly came and the waiter smiled at us.
"There's your food little lovebirds," He walked away as we laugh and blushed.
We ate our food and left, it was close to sunset so we went back to my apartment. As we got there he opened the door for me.
"I had such a great day today, thank you," I smiled.
"Awe, don't thank me, I just want to hang out,-" He pins me to the wall and gets closer to my face.
"MC, you made me fall in love with you today," He was barely touching my lips, I pushed him back.
"I-I can't."
"Why not!?" He looks so mad.
"I have someone else in mind!"
"Who? Zen? Jumin? Yoosung? Jaehee?!"
"None!" I'm crying by now.
"Then who!?"

             "Y-Your brother."

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