The Little Things

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*This chapter is going to be special for you guys (not so special) but, I'M SO HAPPY! But really I never thought that one of my books (especially this book) would reach 100 reads, I'm so happy and I can't thank you guys enough for reading this, keep reading! (*slowly cringing to death*) Love you!*

"Hehe, Hey guys."
I smiled nervously. I never thought this would happen. They pushed me back in Saeran's house. Saeran still had no shirt on so when everyone walked in they all blushed. I blushed too.
"Wanna join the party?" I chuckle quietly. Saeran was so funny. Or was he?
"So, You're Saeran. Right?" Jaehee questioned Saeran, I don't know if it's out of curiosity or something else.
"It's very inappropriate and unhealthy not to have shirt on and MC, please change out his shirt, it could be very dirty," I looked over at Jumin and sighed, I went over to luggage and smiled.
"Well...How can I change my shirt if I have no shirts, buuut I have shirts and my house," They all frowned, and I smiled. As I was walking to the door, I chuckled quietly.
"See ya!"
I walked back to my apartment to see Luciel monitoring me.
"Hey MC! What are you doing here? I thought you were going to be at my brothers house," I smiled at him.
"Well, since you don't have to watch over me anymore, I thought I would move over to Saeran's house, so I'm packing up my stuff," He went quiet, then suddenly happy.
"Yay! Now I can actually do my work and not get in trouble! Woo Hoo!" I shook my head.
"Well, you could of told my that when you actually were looking over me," I started packing all my clothes, but then I started getting down to the little things. My necklaces, my things I hung up, my pictures of the RFA, even V. I started crying a little, these things were so important to me, and I don't know where they could be in Saeran's house, it's like they belong right here.
"Hey, MC, are you okay?" Luciel's serious voice went on. I smiled weakfully, wiping my tears away.
"Yeah, I'm fine Luciel. Haha, thanks Seven," I could he blushed, and so did I, it's been a long time since I called him that. I stuffed them carefully in my bag. As I was about to head out the door, I looked back at my empty room. I took a picture and collaged it with the picture when I first came into the RFA. I almost started crying again until a hand came on my shoulder.
"Its okay MC, we all support you," I hugged Luciel tighter than ever. Today was the best day of my life, but then again, it wasn't.
"Thank you Seven, If it wasn't for you who invited me into the RFA, I wouldn't be here right now. I'm so happy I got to know all of you guys, and I still am, but I just want to say thank you, all of it to you," He blushes slightly and hugs me tighter. I'm so happy right now, I could burst into smiling shreds. I went back to Saeran's house to see that the RFA is gone. I laugh again slightly.

                   "I'm back."

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