Christmas Night

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The door closes as the RFA leaves for the night. I wish we could've spent more time with them, but I'm tuckered out. It has been a long night of games and opening presents. I look back at Saeran and he looks just like I do, I give him a quick peck on the cheek and lead him to bed. He smiles at me as he lays down. But his smile quickly fades as he begins talking to me.
"Why do you love me?"
His voice is low and quiet, like someone in the room would be sleeping,
"What do you mean Saeran?" It takes him a second to answer, but he gets the words out of his mouth.
"I...hurt you, but you still love me...why would you love someone like me? I hurt you so much that I wish I could take it all back but now I can't. Everything I did to you I wish I didn't, everytime I hurt you I wish I didn't. I hurt you so bad...that I can still see the scars seeping through the clothing. Why do you love me, MC?"
I turn my look to him, with tears in his eyes. His sad face breaks my heart but I still want to help him. I still love him.
"You know why I love you? Because I see someone caring you, and loving. It wasn't your fault Saeran, you didn't mean to do it. It was..." I don't dare to speak that woman's name again. I wish I didn't have anything to her, but sadly, I do.
"That's why?" I nod and move to his side of the bed to hug him. His tears run down my back and soon, so do mine.
"It wasn't your fault Saeran, please don't blame yourself. I love you so much, it wasn't your fault wasn't your fault." I whispered softly into his ear, soon my sobs turn into snores. I don't know if Saeran went to sleep or not.


I laugh loudly as I stir my coffee. Saeran's jokes almost makes me die of laughter. His smile is too adorable not to laugh at, we smile like last night never happened. Which is good, no one should remember bad memories. Since my coffee is all stirred up, I take a little sip of if. Good thing it's not insanely hot, otherwise my tongue would've burnt off. Saeran finishes his and lays on the couch to watch tv, I soon take my coffee to the couch with him. He smiles up at me and kisses me on the lips lightly. His warmth near me always make me happy, fuzzy and cuddly. I finish my coffee and lay down with him. He turns on his favorite TV show, Big Brothers. It's about a group of brothers from all around the world have to stay at a mansion for two months. Then they can go back home with a free paid trip already made. It's really funny with all the drama and relatable things going on. He seems to be finishing the episode as it only lasted 2 minutes. Both of our stomachs rumble as he turns on another episode he hasn't watched.
"I'm going to make some dinner okay?" He grunts cutely as I make my way to the kitchen.
"But I wanted to watch this new episode with you! It's when Javier and Oliver start the fight!" He rings out the word 'fight' and looks at me desperately. He must really like his show, I laugh at him and run back to the couch.
"Wait! Javier and Oliver got into a fight!? I didn't even know, I haven't been catching up with this. Oh! Who do you think is gonna win? Javier or Oliver? I think it's Javier, go Javier!" He laughs at me and brings me to a hug. He has to pull me up since he's so tall. Or maybe because I'm so short, most likely both.
"What about dinner MC?" I look at him, but lay my head on his.
"Dinner can wait, Big Brothers is on!" He laughs again and puts me back on the couch to watch, we lay down with him holding me to his chest. I can hear his heart beating, the rhythm makes my eyes close and dreams begin.

"MC? You know I love you a lot right?"
"Of course, I know it everyday...i love you too."
I give him a light kiss of the cheek, and he smiles and me bashfully.
"...This is so not the right time..."
"What is it Saeran? Is something wrong?"
"No, MC. You worry to much, my love..."
I give him a tight hug as I walk out of the bathroom and I hear Saeran come after me. I yawn as I sit on the bed, my soon tears seem to fall out my eyes as I see Saeran kneeling down on one knee.
"MC, your heart has stolen mine and I shall put you in prison for it, but will you give your love to me forever before I send you away? MC, will you marry me?"
His ring is so bright and shiny, it must have costed a fourtune, but I just cry. Silence filling the room as I cry, but I nod my head vigorously, and hug him tight to me.
"Yes Saeran! I'll marry you!"
"MC, I love you so much..."
"I do too Saeran, I love you so much..."
We learn to get in bed, and I hold his cheeks gently.
"How does it feel to be my wife?"
"I'm not your wife yet, mister. You'll have to learn to wait..."
I put my finger on his nose, and he takes his hands in mine.
"I'll wait a lifetime for you, if it means marrying the love of my life."
I cuddle next to him and try to go to sleep, but thoughts are already filled.
I'm marrying Saeran, my love. I should feel so happy, but I assume I'm still in shock. Later in life, I'll be marrying Saeran. When we were just a couple, I saw the world in a new light. When we get married, I'll be seeing it again, but with Saeran. What a wonderful thought.

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