Chapter 3

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      I was finely that age to get in the academy as one year have passed. I graduated four months ago as I was starting my first time in the academy as my father was all of a sudden not wanting me to go.
       I was just walking Into the academy when all the boys looked at me and insteantly ignored me as I tried to smile a little with a wave.
     But when they did not wave back or even smile I know I was going to have a hard time. But I just took in a breath and walked to the room where all the female salamanders would be.
    But sense I was the only one in the academy the room was all dusty, but it did not bug me as I just picked a bed and started unpacking the very little things I brought.
      The doors slammed opened as I insteantly looked over and stood up straight while I saw a big gray skin salamadrian came over fast as he stood before me and spoke. " welcome to the academy Y'Gythba. We are expecting a lot of great things from you."
     I nod with a slight smirk as he then Continued to spoke. " we will train you just like the boys here. You will not be treated as different when you are in this academy. But I know that boys will give you a hard time."
     " I can handle them sir. No need to worry about them." I said with a confident smirk while the salamadrian nod in return and spoke one last time before leaving me to finish unpacking. " You will start in one hour."
     I was getting done putting my stuff away when I then started out of the place where I saw all the boys getting on a position. So I ran over and stood with them when I saw they starting to glare at me.
     The same gray skinned salamadrian came over and the boys looked straight ahead as he spoke loud. " we have a new recruit! And she will be training as hard as you all! So remember just because she is girl dose not mean she will be treated different! Know let's go!"
      He ran at the field so every one else did as well. So I fallowed in the line as we ran thru the hole corse.
      When I was running thru it I tried hard to keep up but I was getting left behind as I then saw them all infront of me. Then the gray salamadrian guy came to me as he yelled trying to make me go faster. " Let's go Y'Gythba!"
     I tried to run faster as i was still behind them when I then Fell as I tripped over one of the boys tails. I knew they did it on purpose as the gray salamadrian yelled again.
   So I got up and continued behind the boys as the day was turning to night. The boys where already heading to their bunker as I was still running wanting to get better.
~      ~      ~
   It was passed midnight as I was still out running and breathing hard as i looked ahead of myself.
    " Y'Gythba! That is enough go to bed!" The gray salamadrian yelled as It made me stop. I breathed hard looking at him then to my bunker room so I started to walk to it as I felt the cold of the night.
    I wrapped my arms around myself as i then looked up to the sky as it started to turn to a dark green as I took in a breath.
    I then went to my bed as I sat there then laid on the bed looking at the ceiling. " my mother made it... so will i!"
    I then closed my eyes to sleep and make tomorrow a better day.

~     ~     ~
     A new day was already starting out as I was eating while all the boys looked at me as if I was a outsider. I looked at my food then closed my eyes and grunted. I then grabbed my tray of food and slammed it on the table as all the boys looked at me surprised
   I then stood up and looked at them all as i spoke up loud. " All you male salamadrians think a female can't do this then you are sadly mistaken!"
    I then started of the please as all the boys looked at each other. I went straight to the corse and ran thru it as many times as i could while looking up to the green sky seeing that planet right next to ours.
    I tried to get my breathing to be calm while running while I then heard some more running behind me. So I looked and saw three boys coming my way.
    I ran faster as I tried to keep them behind me when they came right by me and passed as I looked at them as one yelled. " This is no pace for female salamanderians!"
     I tried to catch up as I clinched my teeth and hands. 'Yes it is!'
    I then tarted running faster as i was getting closer to them when I saw a tail again. I fell on the gound on my stomach looking up as it then started to rain.
   The boys just laugh and continued to run as I looked down to the gound and had small tears fall with the rain mixing with my tears falling off my cheek to the ground.
    As it started raining harder I got up and looked around at the muddy feild as it was getting more slippery.
    I started for my room when I saw somthing at the gates so I went over and saw my father as he looked like he was not happy. " Father?"
   " This is not a place for you Y'Gythba... quit and come home..." I looked at him then down with my muddy hands as I clinched them. " No..."
   " What?" He asked as he looked at me leaning he hands on the gate.
    I looked at him with a serous fast as i put my hands down to my side. " No. My mother never gave up! And nether am i!"
   I then turned around walking of as I swinged my tail side to side getting irritated that know my own father was against me being here.

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