Chapter 20

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     I grunted a little while one Triceraton picked me up as it lifted me up in the air so it could throw me to the ground. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in the air about to get thrown.
    As soon as the Triceraton thru me I quickly got my tail around its wrist and swinged to its face and punched it as hard as I could. Then I landed in my feet and saw the last Triceraton charging at me.
    I looked to the wall and ran to it. Once the Triceraton was right behind me I stepped on the wall and ran a few steps up the wall and pushed myself off it.
    I flipped over the Triceraton as it ran into the wall hard and I then got my weapon shifter into the sharp axe and striked the Triceraton in the back.
     The Triceratons then vanished as the halogram got turned off. I was breathing hard from the fight but looked up as it showed a screen while it went instenelty on.
    But as it did my mouth opened with wide eyes as it showed all different salamanderions running around in terror. Kids. Females. Males. Elders... all covered in blood as I felt my chest rise fast and fall fast as I breathed in rage.
    Then comander G'throkka was seen at the screen as he looked like he was okay but on the ground . " Comander!"
    " Y'Gythba... we are being attacked by Dregg! I need your help and-" it then went off as I looked at the screen disappeared. " no G'throkka!"
    I then ran out of the simulator and started to the ships room as I tried to look around not seeing anything that I could use.
    So I started to head to the controls to the radio as I was about to try to get a hold of Raphael but then I stopped as I felt that this was not his fight. So I just turned on the tracker to the ship as I saw that it was on my home planet.
     I then started to give our salamanderion leader a call. After a little while the leader answered as he looked like he was just in a terror. " Y'Gythba! We needs help!"
    " please clan down! Is comander G'throkka there!" I said worried that he was hurt sense he was like a father to me. " No Dregg took him... I'm sorry Y'Gythba..."
    I felt my hands clinching as I had the leader send a ship down to come and get me.
     As I was waiting I started getting my sword and weapon shifter while getting my space suite on. Once I was all suited up I went to the ship landed as they where here.
    I got in and sat down as I got belted on ready to leave to my comanders ship to find him.
    As we started off I looked out the window watching my planet coming to view. I took in a breath then closed my eyes as i felt that somthing bad was to happen.
     So once we where on the planet I did not hesitate and got out heading to where G'throkkas ship was. But before I could get to it some salamandrions came to me as they started dragging me to the leaders office. " let me go! I have to go find my com-"
   " no you are salamanderion worrier to serve what I say!" The leader said as I looked at him. But I said nothing waiting for him to stop so I could find my comander.
    But he was not going to let me so I looked at them and to the door as then somthing blowed the door open. it made me and the two salamanderions fall forward.
    I looked over to the door as i saw two insect looking things. " what are they?"
   " It's Dreggs solders! Kill them!" The leader yelled as I got up fast and got my sword out killing them fast as I then Ran off and the leader yelling for me.
    But I have not stopped and found comander G'throkka's ship. I ran to it and opened the door as I hopped in to the seat of G'throkka.
    I started it and started to head up to space getting a tracker on my comander. I got to the space and started following the Tracker.
    Once I was heading the right way I put it on auto and stood up. I went  looking around finding anything that the comander would be planing. Like when he had me stay behind when he want to the home planet.
    I felt hurt but I needed to find him and save him from Dregg. I was still going thru some things as I then found somthing with my name on it and looked at it as I saw it was a hologram device.
    So I went to his seat and sat down looking at it and messed with it to find a way to start it. Once I found it I had it farther away from my face from how bright it was but then looked at it as I saw it was comander G'throkka.
    " Y'Gythba... I am sorry if you ever find this mesaage. But I want you to be safe and to not find me... I know lord Dreggs will not be good for you or Raphael." I looked at it worried as he looked down while he continued to talk. " I want you to stay at my ship and to not worry as I will be alright... please Y'Gythba stay away from saving me and live your life that way you want it..."
    The hologram then ended as it closed back up and I looked down. " what dose he mean it will not be good for me and Raphael?"
    I then closed my eyes and nod leaned my head back on the seat and as i still held the hologram. " I'm sorry comander... but I'm coming to save you... G'throkka... you are like a Father to me... so I'm coming to save you sense that's what I want to do!"

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