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"Everyone wants to fall in love. Everyone wants to be loved. What we don't want is the person who loves us.

We seem to always look where the person who loves us is not. It's evil but real. We torture them and ourselves because we're blind. And when it's finally shown to us we're unhappy not because we wanted love but because it wasn't with the person we wanted.

So, my question for you guys today is, is it love that we really seek? If not, what is it?" Mrs. Fowl walked back in forth through the classroom. She waited for everyone to raise their hands but no one was really listening. Well, some of us were, except Justin and is posy.

"Anyone?" She asked, looking around the room trying to feed someone's brain with knowledge.

I rolled my eyes, paused my song from my phone and raised my hand. I was definitely the smartest person in this class.

"Alright Mathews what do you think?" Everyone brought their eyes to me as I slowly lowered my hand down to my desk. I pulled my earphone out of my ear and looked up at my teacher. "I think deep down everyone wants to be in love but we get so hooked on the image of love that when it finally comes our way we miss it. It's not evil it's. . . Humanity." She nodded her head with a smile, pleased with my answer.

Once I was done I pushed my earphone back into my ear and everyone went back to whatever they did before but of course Justin kept his eyes on me. He held his index finger on his lip, probably in thought.

I looked up at him with annoyance. "Can I help you Bieber?" His eyes widened but then filled with excitement.

"I'm sorry Mathews. I just find you so damn beautiful." He bit his lip and smiled as everyone laughed.

"That's enough Justin. To the principles office you go."

"For giving a compliment?" He asked while getting all his stuff together. He talked back to the teacher, not caring for the consequences.

"For cussing and disturbing my class. Now go." She handed him a pink slip and went back to her desk.

He rolled his eyes and walked out of the class. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was perfect externally. His flesh was a thick white color, showing that he was in the sun often. He was mostly covered with tattoos. They shielded his arms and chest. My favorite was the music note behind his ear. It wasn't easy to see unless you looked hard. Of course I did since I had a crucial crush on him. Yes, me, Axel, crushing on Justin. Weird right?

Once he was finally out of sight, my thoughts fragmented into Mrs. Fowls voice. I tried to tune her out with my music but it was hard when I kept only one in.

"For homework I want you guys to do a group project. You and your partners will reenact your experience on love and it's aftereffect.-" the school bell rang as everyone plunged their books into their sacks.

"Before you go out, look on the clip board to see who you will be grouped up with. Oh! And this is due next class."

After my things were neatly put away I walked up to her desk to see who I would be doing the project with.

My eyes practically bulged out when I saw my name next to Justin's. I quickly pulled my ear phone out of my ear so I could talk to Mrs Fowl.

"Uh Mrs. Fowl, you accidentally put me with Justin for the project." She held a sly smile while pushing me to the side of her desk, out of the way of the moving students.

"About that, I know that you're an A student and I thought it would be bright to put you two together. Believe it or not, Justin's a very smart kid, he just doesn't show it for some reason. On the bright side, it won't just be you two. It's three in every group."

[Justin Bieber] interracial imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now