Ms. Coldwell.

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Fairytales are for children.
Darkness lies between us all, waiting for a release. What do you do when heaven is standing right in front of you? Well, like everyone else in this world, you'll walk right by it. Unless you're Justin Bieber-then you'd snatch up any kind of shining light that attracted those cloudy eyes.

A chapter of Ms. Coldwell,

The plaided pencil skirt sucked at my waist. I covered my strained cheeks with blush. I made sure to make myself look the best for today's meeting.

I took note on every single word that Mr. Bieber announced-and he announced a lot. That's the kind of man he was. Mouthy and stern.

The a-c was perfect in here. I didn't have to cross and un-cross my legs from the heat. The summer in L.A was no joke. Hell, the weather in general was no joke.

Everyone's laughing. I look up to see fake smiles plastered on my coworkers faces. I look around the board room with confusion until my eyes land on Mr. Bieber. He holds the same look as always-cold.

I eye him down. He wore an sleek, black suit with an white tie. The infamous outfit for an business man, of course. His eyes were as gray as the clouds from back home. Home... I miss it.

Mommas homemade cookies...

"Mrs. Coldwell.."

My eyes move up to the figure that called my name. The room has gone full quiet from the voice of Mr. Bieber.

"Sir?" My voice had suddenly become hoarse.

His cold eyes held no emotion at all. His broad shoulders hung high, like his invisible crown.

"Meet me in my office." I watched his lips but didn't believe my ears. "Everyone else, this meeting is finished."

I was stuck to my seat. Why would he want me? In his office? I guess everyone else was thinking the same thing, since eyes were on me like I was the one who told him to come to my office.

I cleared my throat and nodded. He was halfway out the door when they started to pack their stuff up.

I rose out of my chair and gathered my notes. I looked ahead of me, seeing Selly coming my way.

"What do you think he wants?" She asked with her eyes wide as bug eyes. Her eyes were wild with fire, matching her red hair perfectly.

"Pssh, beats me. I've spoken to the man once and that was to ask where the bathroom was." Her brows frowned at me. "That was before I knew he was the boss." I noted. She nodded.

"Well I shouldn't keep him waiting." She nodded again.

It's been three minutes and I still can't grow some balls to knock on the door. His door. His door.

Oh Lordy.

I just don't understand why he wanted me. Me. I'm Rhonnie the worker not Rhonnie the worker who gets called to her bosses office.

He couldn't be firing me... right? I've done nothing wrong. I'm probably the hardest worker here(not including Asahd.)

"He's waiting for you." I practically broke my neck from hearing another voice than my own.

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