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I peeked to see if anyone else was done this dumb quiz. There were only eight kids and all of them weren't even close to finish.

Six questions. That's all we had to answer...why was it so hard for me to do?

"Ms. Tailing? Is everything okay? Do you need a break-"

"-yes!" Calm down bitch. "I mean, yes please my throat is very dry." Mr. B stared at me like I was crazy-nothing I wasn't used to. He nodded his head as the rest of the students looked annoyed that I caused a disturbance to their testing time.


I scooted through the many chairs that my college class consumed and softly walked down the thousands of stairs that I personally call a work out.

Finally out of the suffocating room, I leaned against the wall and listened to my own breathing.

You see how anxious I can get? Anything with personal questions fuck me up. If I knew the reason why,  I'd go and get fixed by those mind doctors but of course like everything else in my life, it's non existent. I'm just a freakish black girl who gets anxiety over anything about myself.

Now before you go all teacher on me, I'm not insecure. I know that I'm very attractive. I'm just not the self absorbed kind of gal.

"Kiana stop talking to yourself!" I whisper, shouted to myself. I did it a lot, mostly because why the hell not.

I felt like my normal self again. But walking back in there would do nothing but cause another mini heart attack. I might as well get some water-my throat is feeling kinda dry.

I walked to the closest water fountain and let the cold water refresh me.

"Girl, I'm ready, if you're ready, now
Ooh, is it ever gonna be?
If you're with it, then I'm with it, now-"

I gulped down my water and let the water wash over my closed lips.

Now, I know nothing about who's the best at singing and all that Grammy shit but damn...I have never heard a voice like that.

"Maybe you could change me
Maybe you could change me ooh whoa."

I stopped the water and let my feet lead me to the sound of an angel screaming his lungs out.

I stopped in front of the music room. The door was halfway open. I couldn't see who was playing the piano since the huge bitch was blocking the beauty behind it.

Kiana! Calm your tits! You don't even know the child...

"Don't fight fire with fire If I'm screaming, talk quieter understanding and patience feel the pain that I'm facing Be like serenity help me position my mind take a chance, make a difference in my life."

I was doing just as the lyrics told me to, taking a chance. Move them feet!

I walked more into the small room. I leaned against the wall and just listened. I wasn't moving in anymore, if I couldn't see his face then too bad. I was only here for his vocals anyway.

"Maybe you could be the light that opens up my eyes make all my wrongs right. Change me, change me
change me oh yeah."

I hummed to the chorus. I didn't know the song well since I never heard it before but after hearing him sing the change me part over and over again I caught on. I closed my lids and just hummed while letting his celestial voice and the soft bounces of the keys take me in.

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