Chapter 7

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Killian's POV

We have decided that Mackenzie would travel back with Snow and I back to Storybrooke and Emma and Belle would come later in the week.

"So you guys brought her back?" Regina asks.

"We had to she had came to us saying she needed us. We wernt gonna leave her." I say.

"Killian where is this girl staying?" Robin asks.

"Well she is staying with David and I for now. Until Emma and Killian figure out their next move." Snow says.

"Snow I dont know about this. We know nothing of this child." David says.

"She doesnt say much and keeps to herself, though we have realized she is stubborn and hardheaded like her parents." She says to him.

"I just hope you know what your doing mate." Robin says.

Yeah so do I. David is right we dont know Mackenzie and though Emma and I feel like we have to protect her because we put her in this situation. I just hope it doesnt back fire.

Emma's POV

"Emma why do you have to leave?" Neal asks.

"I told you Belle's father Moe had a big heart attack and she could really use a friend." I say.

"Okay, but when you go back are there any exes that leave there?" He asks.

"Nope. I didnt date much in High School." I lie.

"So whats this town called again. You never ever told me." He says.

"Emma we have to go." Belle says.

"Im sorry Neal we need to leave. I'll call you tonight." I say.

"Yeah okay." He says.

I left and for some reason I didnt care much for lying to him it was just easier. When Belle and I got to Storybrooke Killian and I met at Granny's.

"Emma Swan and Killian Jones together again. What can I get you both?" Granny asks.

"Just water." I say.

"Some Rum for me." Killian says.

"Okay I'll be back." She says.

"So how is Mackenzie?" I ask.

"She is fine. She is settling in at Snow's and David's. So where are you and Belle staying?" Killian asks me.

"Well since my mother doesnt live in town anymore I will be staying with Belle and her father." I say.

"Killian? Is that you? Whos the tramp?" This chick asks.

"Milah this is Emma she is an old friend who visiting. I just wanted to get some old friend time in." Killian says.

"Oh well thats nice. We your done I'll be at your apartment." This Milah chick says and walked out.

"So thats Milah?" I ask.

"Yeah this doesnt weird you out do it?" He asks.

"We dated 16 years ago and I have someone else. So are you gonna tell her about Mackenzie?" I ask.

"Not yet. Have you told your boyfriend yet?" He asks.

"No. I want to find out more about her and try to bound with her before I tell him." I say.

"Yeah thats what I want to do as well. Look I should go. I'll call you later. We will come up with what to do next later." He says and walked out.

I watched him leave, but I cant help but be extremely jealous of that Milah. I know Im with Neal, but why do I feel jealous? Killian and I dated 16 years ago. I dont still love Killian or do I? Well even if there is still something here it could never happen again anyway. We are both happy with other people so Emma and Killian's love is in the past. We just need to focus on our hurting child thats all thats between us now. We dont share feelings we just share a child. But I know a part of me will always love him too bad its not the same feeling for him. To me I will always love him and to him all I will ever be is the ex with his child. That feeling doesnt feel to good, but thats how it has to be. No romance just two people who used to be in love helping out the child they gave up. Thats all this is and thats how its gonna stay.

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