Chapter 37

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Emma's POV

Lately Killian has been very secretive and has been sneaking around. Now to most girls if a guy does that they think he is cheating. Killian on the other hand is so loving and sweet he wouldnt fight for his family and then cheat. Thats not him what makes me wonder what he is up to. I walked downstairs and saw Killian and Mackenzie talking and it looked intense and then when they saw me Killian just walked right out.

"Hey Mack whats going on?" I ask.

"Oh... Umm... Im not allowed to say, but Im sure your gonna love it." She says.

"So you cant tell me what he is up to?" I ask.

"I would if I could, but I rather not say. Killian just wanted me to spend the day with you while he is busy." She says.

"Okay busy with?" I ask.

"Nice try. Emma can we actually talk for real. I have something bothering me." She says.

"Okay. Whats up?" I ask.

"Look I like you and Killian and Im happy we can be a family, but I would like to know if Im hurting you guys by calling you guys by your names and not... Well what a child should call her parents." She says.

"Mack, you dont have to call us Mom and Dad if your nor ready to. To be honest with you I dont know if we are ready for you to call us that anyway. Look all that matters is that we are a family and one day you will be feel comfortable with calling us mom and dad and one day we will know that we really are ready to be your parents. Does that make sense?" I ask.

"Yeah it does. Thanks." She says.

After spending time just talking about that Killian walked in and covered my eyes.

"Umm Killian? Whats going on?" I ask as Im being pulled somewhere.

So I was just being pulled and Killian was being quiet. Then I was stopped and Killian removed the blindfold.

"Okay welcome to your nighttime picnic." He says.

"Killian this is lovely." I say.

We had and amazing time and then Killian and I stood up, but then Killian got down on one knee.

"Emma, my love. Will you do me a huge honor and Marry Me?" He asks opening a ring box.

"Yes Killian I would love to marry you." I say to him.

He placed the ring on my finger and then he stood up and kissed me. I was finally gonna marry the man I have loved for many years and will love him forever.

A/N: Hey guys I have another new story out called Romantic Evening. It would mean alot to me if you could checked it out. Thanks.

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