Chapter 18

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Killian's POV

Emma and I messaged Milah and Neal to meet up with us at Granny's diner. As we waited for them I could tell Emma was nervous.

"Its gonna be okay love." I say to her.

"What if they dont want to help us?" She asks.

"Then so what we will find our own way." I say.

"And if they tell those people?" She questions.

"Love let me do all the talking." I say.

"Okay." She says.

We waited what seemed like forever they finally had came to the diner.

"So whats this about?" Milah asks rudely.

"This is about what you two did to us. We understand why you did it, but how?" I ask.

"How? How what?" Neal questions.

"How'd you get to them? Did you travel to their house? Did you call them? Do you still talk to them?" I ask.

"Well lets see. We both remember the flyer with her face on it. Yes we called them." Milah says.

"Exactly. When we called they asked to meet us outside of where we were. So we met them at the diner outside Storybrooke. So no we didnt travel to their house and we also dont talk to them." Neal says.

"This was a waste of time." Emma says.

"Love.. Shh." I say to her.

"Of course you wanted us to come here. You wanted to know where they were to get your daughter back." Neal says.

"Thats what we thought. Look we are sorry that we sent her to a home she doesnt like, but we are not sorry on how it effects the two of you. You two hurt us and that was the only way to hurt you." Milah says.

"Thats a load of pure bull shit." I say.

"Killian calm down." Emma says.

"No! This is crap! We might have done one bad thing to them, but this is worse. Their wrong." I say.

"No Killian they're right. We treated them bad. Yes it has effected our child and yes we cant help her yet, but we have to stay strong here." She says to me.

"I want you to know that if you both would have just told us you were still in love with each other when we asked you both the first time. Then this wouldnt have happened at all." Neal says.

"Yeah he is right. All we need was a yes to that question and we both we have stepped out of the way no strings no losing your child. Maybe before you blame us you should really look in the mirror at whos really to blame." Milah says.

They both got up and walked out. Where they right was this much our fault as theirs? I looked at Emma and she seemed to believe that what they said was true. I pulled her close and kissed her head letting her know she was safe. Maybe we are to blame just as much as them.

A/N: Who do you think is to blame? Is it Neal and Milah? Is it Emma and Killian? Are they all to blame? Also do you think Mackenzie is in any danger? Do you think they will get her back? Let me know in the comments below.

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