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Photo : Magnolia Icecream

The hardest part about starting a relationship is not knowing the person you love well enough to trust them, yet putting your heart out there, knowing fully well that you could get hurt in the process. Not all the people we choose to love are trustworthy, some have skeletons in their closet, while some are clean actually, we just have active imaginations. Still the key to fixing any apprehensions is communication. 

Surprisingly, it's a reality (and I admit A&M is included in this) that some people can still be touchy feely with other people even when they are already in a relationship or at least in the process of getting into a relationship. Like for example, whenever I see Alden holding a female close to him in a picture, or Maine making harot with Leysam, I always wonder if it's ok with both of them to see each other like that. Apparently, as we found out last Saturday night with Regine, Alden gets bothered by it, but it seems the nature of friendship between Maine and Leysam is like that, they are physically affectionate with each other. 

So trust is important, and getting to know your partner well. It's a difficult adjustment to learn how to trust someone's words, to hope that they won't be intentionally hurt you. That's the gist of this chapter, and the key is knowing how much you really like someone. Is it enough emotional investment to take a chance that you may get hurt in the process? Hope you'll like this chapter, and do comment below to share your thoughts :)

Andrew transferred to the seat across Dei as she scrambled to stand up when Richard reached their table.

"Richard hi," She said breathlessly. He looked achingly handsome in just a plain white tee and ripped jeans, white sneakers and a leather messenger bag that most likely contains his macbook.

"Hi, Dei. I thought it was you, but I.....wasn't sure." He looked pointedly at Andrew, who was innocently sipping his coffee jelly.

"Oh. Yeah....uhm.....Richard, this is my best friend Andrew. Andrew, Richard."

The two shook hands, with Andrew holding on to Richard's hand longer than necessary, making Richard look at him. Andrew held his gaze with a knowing look, making Richard pull his hand away. Andrew smiled with a slight shake of his head.

"Richard, do you need to be somewhere at the moment?" Andrew asked, mentally undressing him as his gaze went from his face down, stopping at Richard's crotch.

"Hmmm, depends on why you're asking."

"You wanna go have a drink somewhere?" Dei slapped Andrew in the head. "Ow! Dei, I was just kidding. I need to go somewhere, is it ok to leave Dei with you?"

"Oh. In that case, sure."

"I thought so. Dei, I'll go ahead. Nice catching up with you." He got out of the booth and hugged her, whispering, "You owe me. Have fun."

Once Andrew was gone, they stood awkwardly, looking at each other. Richard spoke first.

"You want to go somewhere?"

"Ok. Where?"

"It's 5:00, we can have an early dinner at Café Juanita if you like. I'll just drive you back."

The walk to the parking area was quiet and a bit awkward. Their arms and hands brushed against each other, both itching to touch and hold. Their bodies seemed to have a magnetic pull on their own, walking closely despite the wide space around them, with Richard finally holding on to the small of her back, marveling at how his hand almost covered the width of her narrow waist.

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