Tansy 2.0

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Here's the continuation of last chapter's cliffhanger. How will Dei react? Will she get intimidated again, or will our girl already know how to fight back? 

We all have that nemesis, that one person who can bring out our weak points, make us feel crap even without lifting a finger. But why succumb to the negativity? People like Shayne play a role in our lives, they actually make us stronger, better versions of ourselves. The next time your nemesis tries to put you down, think and act positively. Don't give in to the temptation of putting yourself down. You may have no control over what that person will do to you, but you surely have control over how to react.

Ilike that most of the reactions and comments in the last chapter did not focus on whether it was true that Richard indeed used to do those things with Shayne, but more on votes of confidence on how Dei should react. Whether or not it's true is actually immaterial, because the imagination can be a blessing or curse. We will believe what we want to believe.

Enjoy reading and tell me what you think ok? :)

"Did you like the parking quickie? We used to do that too, you know."

Richard froze. He felt like slapping Shayne, never before had he ever felt like being violent towards a woman except now. He turned red in the face, was about to speak, but Dei raised her hand to silence him. She smiled sweetly at Shayne, trying hard not to show the anger she felt inside.

"Yes, I enjoyed it Shayne," She said softly. "So sorry for you, I guess. I know so well what you're missing." She leaned across to give Richard a kiss, as Richard reached past Shayne to pull her closer. Keeping his arm around Dei's waist, Richard walked towards the conference room with Dei.

"Let's talk here Shayne, Dei and I will listen to what you have to say."

They entered the conference room, away from curious eyes outside. They sat down together across Shayne, observing how awkward Shayne felt being the odd person out.

"So, what's this project you wanted to discuss?"

"How can you get back with her Richard? After what she did to you three years ago?"

"That's none of your business Shayne."

"She broke your heart while I took care of you. I nursed you back to how you are now and my thanks was being sent away with nothing."

"Shayne, I never really raised your hopes about us getting back together. From the start, it's always been clear that what we had together was finished a long, long time ago, even before I met Dei. So I don't know where your hoping for something between us is coming from. Now please, discuss what you came here for."


Dei was able to grit her teeth and bear the meeting for the entire hour. The project was a key collaboration between two brands, and they would be crazy not to accept the project. Shayne's agency secured all the talents needed for the TV commercials and content, New Age would need to collaborate for the shoots of the commercials to get some behind-the-scene photos for the blogs and content, as well as interview the endorsers of the brands.

Shayne was appearing in some of the TV commercials to be shot, and this gave her an excuse to be in touch with Richard. She was wearing a skimpy haltered top that were merely tiny triangles covering her breasts, caught by a wide band underneath that ended above her navel. She was wearing white shorts and heels that made her legs look longer, her now short hair barely touching her nape.

The three of them rose as the meeting ended, and Shayne's hand snaked through Richard's arm as she gave him the USB containing the image pegs for the shoot and supporting files for the project. She let herself out alone, as Richard faced Dei, holding her icy-cold hands.

"Baby I'm sorry about letting you go through that. But I'd rather have you beside me than meet with her alone. I don't want you imagining things we might have done, I wanted you to see there was nothing to worry about."

"We still haven't discussed Shayne, Jay. But I'll let it pass. Let's just work till this day ends, ok?" She wanted to walk past him but he stopped her.

"Sweetie, we're ok right? Please tell me we're ok. I don't want you to stress and have another attack."

She looked at him, unsmiling. "We're ok. Let's just talk later."


He couldn't concentrate on work, knowing that Shayne got Dei riled up again. When he was younger and less wise, he did crazy things with Shayne, blindly letting her take the lead in things foreign to him. She introduced him to a world so far removed from his quiet existence, and for a while it thrilled him to be part of her world.

But being raised to be responsible, the exciting things they did wore off the novelty, and he soon craved for order in his life again. That was when he knew that only a part of him could be invested in this industry he was in. His heart would still crave for the secure warmth of coming home to a stable relationship with someone who was as removed as he was from his industry.

As soon as the clock hit 6:00 in the evening, he messaged Dei to pack up and meet him at the elevator. He took her laptop bag and pressed down on the elevator, eyeing her closely to feel for her mood.


"A little."

"Would be up for dinner? Let's eat before I take you home."

"I'm not that hungry. Let's just order takeout and go home."

The drive home was quiet and it worried Richard. Damn Shayne and her dirty tactics, for always getting under Dei's skin. He reached for her hand and kissed it.

"Dei.....talk to me. What are you thinking?"

"I don't know if talking about it will help."

"Of course it will. Babe, that was our mistake then, we swept things under the rug. Tell me what you feel, even if it's going to hurt me, just let it out."

"I don't know where to begin."

"Whatever's on your mind, come on."

She was silent for a moment, hesitating t say the things she wanted to say.

"Jay......do I satisfy you sexually?"

"Yes you do. Always."

"But I'm not that experienced."

"Still....you do. Dei, I've never been as turned on, as into someone as I am with you. And we don't need to make love everytime we're together. Every moment I have with you is special."

She was quiet again till they reached her place. She went to her room to freshen up and change, while Richard called for some Korean food for delivery.

She sat away from him in the couch, still deep in thought.

"Dei, talk to me. What is it?"

"Jay.......when she said you used to do the things we do now.........I don't know what to feel. I know those things happened before you met me. I know it's over between you two. But my mind is working overtime, you know? I get these visions of her on top of you, probably doing a better job than I—"

"Stop. Dei, don't go there. What you do with me is not like some obligation you need to excel at. It's an expression of what we feel for each other. Don't debase it by comparing performance with someone who no longer matters."

"I know. Maybe I'll get over this feeling by tomorrow."

"Dei, we can let go of that project if seeing her bothers you."

"No Jay, we need that project and she knows that. I'll be ok. I won't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she makes me feel this way."

She wasn't backing down this time. If Shayne wanted to play, Dei was game and she was going to make sure she'd win. 

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