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Updating early today because  have take-home work that needs to be done. I'm happy with the interest in my story, thank you for sticking it out, I know it took time to get to the present, but here we are, eager to to see where the story will take us. To be honest, I just go where the story leads me, so this journey is just as interesting to me as it is for you :)

If you remember from the last chapter,  Dei and Richard kissed. This despite the revelation of Janelle that Shayne and Richard are back together.  But are they really.....back together?  Hihi. Food for thought.

What you see is what you get isn't always applicable. Sometimes, it's a case of what we THINK we see, is what we get. I remember I used to have a guy best friend, a campus crush who had me as his default date in any student party or gathering. He always took me home from those dates. we were the kind of best buddies that hugged and held hands. And just like that, we were branded as a couple. But we were just friends.

So, did Shayne and Richard reconcile? Or is it just an optical illusion of seeing them constantly together that led people into believing they were back as a couple? Find out below, and as always, share with me your precious thoughts. I thank you for the votes, but dear readers, your comments are gold for me :) 

Richard got out of the car and let himself in at his parents' place. He felt he couldn't stand a night with Shayne, not after seeing Dei and kissing her. It was like the three years apart never happened, he hasn't recovered after all.

"RJ, this is a surprise," Rose smiled as Richard kissed her on the temple.

"I need to talk to you mom, need to clear my head."

"Is Shayne giving you problems again?"

"No.....no, she knows where she stands mom. I've been clear about that from the start."

"Yours is a weird setup son, I don't know why you agreed for her to stay with you."

"She sleeps there from time to time and I don't really mind. I owe her a lot for taking care of me for the past year, it seems cruel to send her away."

"But she hopes, RJ. She stays with you because she hopes you'll get back together. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Don't make her hope."

"How, mom? How do I tell her that? I know I have to."

"Just sit down and talk to her. You have to face this sooner, or she'll think you're leading her on."

"I know you're right. But it's going to be difficult. Especially now."

"Why? What's bothering you, son?"

"I saw Dei today, mom. She's back for good."

"She is? How was she? I hope you finally talked."

"No we didn't. I was harsh to her but..........she needs a job and I turned her down."

"Son......." Rose looked at her with sad eyes. "I know she hurt you but there's got to be an explanation for her missing that flight three years ago. Why not give her a chance to explain?"

"I'm scared of hoping again. Twice, mom. She walked out on me twice. Don't you think that's too much?"

"I'm sorry, RJ. With Dei concerned, I seem to have a bias. I like her for you. I've never seen you as happy with Shayne, and Dei loves you, I can see it. I know she hurt you, but things happen for a reason. Maybe now is a better time for you to try again."

"Not ready for it mom."

"When is one ever ready for love? There's always an excuse or something you can say to let it pass, and by the time you realize you shouldn't have done so, time passed you already. It's too late."

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