Yellow Tulip

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Happy times my friends! Last night was wonderful for ADN, because we were able to get a glimpse of how tight the bonds already were, between Maine and Alden's families. The gathering and their interaction swept away all doubts as to the closeness of their families and more importantly, of Alden and Maine.

When you love someone, the love is unselfish and manifested towards the loved one, instead of one's own needs. Both parents of Maine and Alden set aside their precious time to get together on special gatherings for the fans, even if the fans are not theirs. Alden and Maine attend these events even though they'd be better off resting from their busy schedules. But you see, they do this out of love for their craft, for their fans.

For ficDei and ficRichard, all the pain and siffering is forgotten, out of love for each other. There is no room for bitterness and accusations, or blaming for time wasted, because for them, the important thing is they are now on the mend. and life is suddenly back on track. 

Please read on and see how the story behind their separation three years ago continues to unfold. Thank toy for all the wonderful comments my dears, I truly feel the love and your appreciation for what I've written in the comments you leave after reading. Enjoy :)  

Mike came by Dei's room the morning after she was admitted. He discussed the results of her tests as Richard listened. Knowing how Richard was sensitive to Mike's presence, Dei pulled him to her side, linking her arm through his.

"No inflammation found in any of your internal organs, Dei. You have UTI though, I'll give you an antibiotic for that, but you should drink more fluids, around three liters a day to keep your kidneys functioning. You need to workout too, get into a fitness program to avoid build=up of inflammation in your joints."

"Thanks Mike."

"It looks like the worst is over Dei, I'm going to sign your discharge papers, you can go home today. Let's just finish up the contents of your IV drip then you'll be discharged."


"Come back for a check-up a week from now, Dei." He nodded solemnly at Richard. "Ok that's all, I guess."

Richard hugged Dei, thankful that she was out of danger. He was so scared of the rashes he saw on her face last night, and how weak she seemed with pain from her joints.


"Yes, babe?"

"Are we ok now? I mean, you and me......what are we?"

He pressed a kiss to her temple, his lips lingering. "Dei, yes of course we're ok. I am content with that for now. What's more important is for you to be 100% recovered. When we get out of here, we'll talk about whatever there is that we need to discuss."


He took Dei home to her condo and ordered for pizza delivery. Dei took a shower and changed into a matching spaghetti strapped top and loose shorts. She surveyed herself in the mirror and noted how the rashes faded almost completely. She turned on the aircon and lay down on the bed, wondering what was going to happen to her and Richard. Just last week he said he didn't care what happened to her, and that admission crushed her.

Was her punishment enough? Was happiness finally due her? After three years of lonely and sleepless nights, not once did she ever feel any bitterness for Richard's refusal to talk to her. She understood his reaction, coming from his bad experiences with Shane and later with her. Her mind then and now was focused on winning him back, on coming to terms with her own demons so she could come back to him as a stronger version of herself.

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