Red Rose 2.0

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Hello my dears. Here's the much awaited follow up to the wedding, a glimpse at what transpired in the wedding reception. It is a happy affair, and our couple is given a respite from challenges to enjoy this milestone in their life.

This is also where Shayne and Coleen will have their second encounter, and it will be interesting to see how they will be acting against each other.  The day is wonderfully working for both Richard and Dei, because Shayne has her hands full over Coleen's antics.

Read on my dears, I hope you will like this continuation to the beautiful wedding they just went through. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and oh, by the way, please don't forget to hug your mothers tomorrow. 

Happy Mother's Day to all mommies  :) 

The reception was held in Casa Real, a beautiful nostalgic structure in Taguig, with architecture reminiscent of the hispanic village in Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar in Bataan. There were about 150 guests, mostly relatives, friends and a few clients who have become close friends of Richard and Dei.

Andrew, Carl and Linh flew in for the wedding, surprising Dei at the reception with their gift, a trip back to Vietnam with accommodations for five days. They also brought several gifts with them sent by Dei's clients in Vietnam.

It was wonderful to see Richard and Andrew clap each other on the back like old friends, introducing Andrew to Calvin and Harvey. They talked a little shop for a while, but were prodded by the coordinator to be seated for dinner to be served.

Coleen gazed around the room, wanting to have a little fun. Her gaze fell on the hunk and his girlfriend Shayne, both seated on table still with empty seats. She approached and gave her patent devastating smile to Calvin.

"Hello again, is this seat taken?"

Calvin stared at her, noting the lily white shoulders, the creamy cleavage and smooth thigh peeking out of her gown's slit in front. He felt Shayne's hand tightening around his arm and smiled inwardly. It's about time he got this kind of reaction from her. He smiled back at Coleen.

"Sure, join us. Sit."

He stood and pulled the chair for Coleen to sit on. Shayne was just watching openmouthed, unable to believe Calvin was doing this in front of her. Whatever happened to his undying love for her? Wa it because she wasn't as sexy anymore?

Coleen sat down and unintentionally (or did she really?) snagged a fork on her gown, making it clatter on the floor, between her and Calvin. Without covering her chest, she reaches for the fork, giving a good view of her cleavage, as Calvin also stooped to pick up the same. Their hands touched and Coleen let her fingertips linger on Calvin's hand. As though singed by a hot poker, Calvin withdrew his hand.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Coleen, Dei's sister." They shook hands, Coleen smirking at Shayne's outrage. She held on to Calvin's hand

"Calvin, one of Richard's business partners. This is Shayne, my--"

"His pregnant girlfriend."

"Aww, you're pregnant. That explains the extra weight."

"Look, lady......I've had it up to here with y---"

She was about to get out of her seat when her eyes suddenly bulged, and she froze. She clutched her tummy and looked at Calvin, tears suddenly glazing her eyes. She looked as though she was in pain.

"Baby what is it. Are you ok?" Calvin instantly regretted his practical joke, belatedly realizing that the baby could become a casualty of Shayne got too agitated.

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