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Hello my dears, so sorry for the slight delay in my update, AMACon4 took up my weekend and thankfully, I finished my submissions on time. I heard the stories will be revealed tomorrow, so please take the time to read the works of all the authors, who are all good! 

Anyway, here's the aftermath of  Dei's miscarriage, and how it affected both of them. Suffice to say, the impact on Dei is of course stronger and longer lasting, we can even say it scarred her permanently.  Will Richard succeed in nursing her back to complete health? What did he do to make her recover faster?

We sometimes think our loved ones are already ok, that they've transcended a traumatic event and re back on track. But what they don't tell us is an entirely different story, something we should be observant enough to watch out for. 

Hope you'll like this chapter,  feel free to message me or tweet if you want to discuss, or leave a comment below like you always do :)

November 2013

The weeks following her miscarriage were difficult for both Dei and Richard. The leave from work seemed to be doing her more harm than good, because it gave her so much time to think, more time to feed on her negativity. It reached a point where she refused to even talk to Richard, and he resorted to drastic measures to arrest the erosion of their relationship.

"Dei, I'm taking you to my parents' house. I will not take no for an answer, you need to be around people to get better. Mom will take care of you, sweetie."

She looked at him with lifeless eyes. "Why do you even bother, Jay?"

"Dei......." He sat beside her and took her hand. "I don't want to sound needy, but I need you too. You're not the only parent who lost the baby, there's two of us. I know it's harder for you to accept, because the baby was part of you for a few months, but there's two of us grieving."

"I'm so sorry, Jay. I know I make your life miserable."

"You don't. You make my life complete, cheesy as it may sound, it's true. I love you, Dei. Don't let this get in the way of our life together. Will you will let me take you to mom's place? She and dad worry about you too."

"Okay, Jay. When will you take me there?"

"I can bring you today if you want. Let's pack your things. I'll just visit here from time to time to water your plants and check your place, ok?"

"Thank you Jay. I love you too."


A week with his parents alrady showed a marked improvement in Dei. She began to eat better, took long walks with Richard Sr., who surprisingly was able to make Dei come out of her shell by playing the piano with him. She began cooking meals with Rose, and baked cookies and cupcakes for Richard. By the end of the second week with them, she learned how to laugh again. On one of Richard's visits, Rose took her son aside to discuss Dei.

"Richard.....I hope you won't misinterpret what I'll say, but you might want to postpone your wedding."

"Why mom? Did Dei say anything? Is something wrong?"

"That's the thing, Richard. She never mentions the wedding. It's six weeks away, and she doesn't seem excited about it. I don't know if she's really like that but brides are supposed to talk non-stop about their wedding. She's not like that. I tried to coax her into talking about it but apart from saying the coordinator is handling everything, she didn't elaborate."

"You might be overreacting mom. Surely if something's wrong, Dei would tell me. I don't want to discuss this with her. What if things are ok and my mere questioning about changing the date will send a wrong signal to her? She might think I'M the one in doubt."

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