3.Protecting Love

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Wiishu's POV

As Jack helped me up and put his leg on my back helping me sit up as he looked at me into my eyes I noticed that he wanted to do something... and I think I know what he wanted to do but I wasn't sure so I just stayed quiet and let him do what he wanted to do... before I let him do anything I hugged himthanking him and he hugged me back.

I also saw Mark runnung towards Amy as I saw him taking her side and gettting infront of her protecting her. Marzia, Felix, Jack and I were looking at them and realized how cute they looked together "Aweee"said Marzia while hugging Felix and putting her head on his chest. "You know who else looks cute?...." said Felix looking at us...."I dont know, who?" said Marzia with this mischevious and silly look on her face... "JACK AND WIISHU!" both of them said as Jack looked at me blushing like crazy looking like a tomato or ketchup. He chuckled and helped me on my feet... he put his hand on the back of his head trying not to give in to Felix and Marzia...

We all turned to look at Amy and Mark and we see them walking towards us looking accomplished but at the same time Amy looked dissapointed... "What's wrong?" I asked her trying to walk towards her but I almost fell over because I hadn't gotten my balance back yet. Jack helped me sit down, he kneeled down putting one of his knees like a chair so I could sit on... he smiled as I sat down smiling and turning like a tomato...

Jack's POV

I felt Wiishu falling towards me... I didn't have time to chatch her so I caught her head to prevent it from hitting the floor. I help her up and to sit down... I decided to kneel down and put one of my knees up for her to be able to lean on. Once she opens her eyes she sees Marzia and Felix helping her sit up... She turned around and saw me.. I couln't help but blush like crazy.. She is so beautiful I can't help it.

I looked into her eyes and wanted to do one thing.. kiss her... but I controlled my self... I coulkd tell that she knew I wanted to do something, but I didnt... I cloed my eyes to see if I would stop blushing... As my eyes are closed I just feel a hug... I opened my eyes and there she was... hugging me. I never felt so happy before. I hugged her back.

All of a sudden I hear Felix say "You know who else is cute?" Wiishu's and my head turned towards them looking at them with big eyes very nervous... "JACK AND WIISHU!!!" Marzia and Felix yell startling Wiishu and got me to blush like crazy... Later on us 4 look at Amy and Mark walking back towards us but there was something odd....

Wiishu stands up trying to walk towards Amy but almost falls so I grab her and kneel down again letting her sit on my knee, she looked at me and smiled, I smiled back... If corse, blushing and looking like ketchup, heh.

Amy's POV

I was behind Haniya when i was waiting for her to hit or harm Wiishu in some way or form, because if she did, Haniya was going to get it! I saw Haniya push Wiishu, so I turned her around getting ready for her to start going off at me...

I looked behind Haniya's back and saw Mark walking towards us ready to give Haniya a speech, and ready to fight her if she hurt me.... I was expecting Mark to come and ask what was going on but he got infront of me pushing me behind him, protecting me... "What the fuck are you doing? i swear if you hurt her i will hurt you back..." I hear him say in a threatening tone...

I turned around and saw Claire walking towrds us with her friends... "Haniya c'mon, we doing have time to deal with this right now" yelled one of her friends... Haniya started walking past us towards her friends "We will take this to the front door afterschool today..."Haniya said in a lower voice getting really close to my face... Mark turned around and told her to go while mummbling under his breath.

We started walking towards the group and I saw Wiishu sitting there againt Jack because she could barely stand up.. I felt like I let her down and couln't protect her like I promised I would do... I saw her stand up and try to walk towards me but she struggled and Jack sat her down on his lap.

"What's wrong?" I hear Wiishu say concerned.... "I'm sorry Signe... I couldn't do it and now I let you down..." I said walking towards her but stopping about 10 steps away from her... I covered my face with my hands trying not to cry... I feel someone hug me and I take my hands off my face and see... it was...

Mark's POV

  All of a sudden I hear...HALLOWEEN SCHOOL DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:00 PM! through the speakers ... I concider on inviting someone.. but... who..

Hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter!!! I know I blew up today with 3 chappters but I figured I would do that so you get a little start of this Fan-Fic.... I am concidering on posting 3 stories daily.. let me know if you want me to do that!


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