Chapter 3

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-Chloe Dawn-

They said hurtful things. I didn't let it get to me though. I knew I can handle this. I power shut my phone. I didn't feel like walking upstairs and fell asleep on Emilio's bed.

-Next morning-

I woke up warm. I turned to my other side and saw Emi sleeping next to me. Aww he's so adorable asleep.

I poked his cheek.

"Wake up." I whispered.

He groaned.


I glared at him. I got up and kneeled next to him. I started to put his hair in a ponytail, well more like a unicorn horn. I did the same with Ivan. I left the room to my room and got ready for the day.

I changed into shorts and a basic t-shirt.

"I'm going to Logans house! Be back in the afternoon!" I shouted.

-After the drive-

I arrived at Logans. When I walked in Logan was vlogging. He looked sad but laughing?

"What happened?" I asked.

He turned around.

"I'm getting kicked out my apartment" he laughed nervously showing the letter.

"For?" I knew Logan was crazy but I didn't think he'd get kicked out for the things he did.

"The landlord is kicking me out because of the fans across the street at the parking area. The neighbors started to get mad and stuff."

"Oh. That's stupid," I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly I hear someone running in the room, yelling.

"LOGANNNN-" The man looks at me.


"JUANPA!" I grinned throwing my hands up ready for a hug.

"CHLOE!" He screams picking me up into a hug.

Logan began to explain everything to Juanpa.

"I'm getting kicked out before you." Logan started laughing.

Oh my gosh, Donald trump.  I get concerned about Logan sometimes. After Logan and Juanpa talk he leaves.

"IM GOING TO MEXICOOOO!!" Juanpa shouts jumping up excitingly.

I laughed as he left. Only Juanpa.

-After Logan's back at Team 10-

I walk in and I saw them playing... jenga? Well then. I just stood there.

It started to fall. Emi was there still, Anthony still celebrated. Holy shit. I didn't know what to do. Emi didn't notice either!

I felt anxiety coming. Emi was gonna die and so was Anthony. Oh my gosh. It was falling. Emi and Anthony finally noticed and started running out. I blacked out.

-Few seconds later-

I heard people calling my name and Emilio's name. I slowly opened my eyes. Jake, Nick, Chance looked at me.

"You okay?" Jake asked.


"What happened? You didn't get injured from it." Nick asked confused.

"Anxiety." I said looking around for Emi.

"Are you fine now?" Asked Nick and I have him an assuring nod.

I got up and went to Emi. He was in pain. Chad, Ivan, Erika, Anthony carried him to the couch.

I sat next to him. Jake was vlogging still. The rest went to tase each other on the collar.

"Emilio.. you okay?" I asked looking down at him seeing pain written all over his face.

He didn't respond, he was covering his face. I gently tried to get his hands off his face. His blue eyes weren't as blue as they were. The blue was dark now.

"Emi.. YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" I whisper screamed punching him softly.

He looked at me.

"Sorry." He mumbled in pain.

"It's okay, just be careful please.. you're my best friend." I frowned.

-After incident, Few days later-

It got worse. The comments. I can't handle this. They kept telling me to die, I'm ugly, attention whore, slut other stuff. I thought it would go away. I know I can do this. I just need to keep away from Emilio...

"Chloe? You okay?" Asked a familiar voice.
"It's Emilio, can I come in?"

As much as it hurt to push my best friend away I said it.

"No. Go away." I said harshly.

Silence. He must've been hurt. I just stayed in my room. Crying my eyes out. I'm a big cry baby, a attention seeker.

-Emilio's P.O.V-

I knocked on Chloe's door.

"Chloe? You okay?" I asked "It's Emilio, can I come in?"

She didn't respond?

"No. Go away." She said harshly.

Jeez, what'd I do to her. I thought we were best friends. Guess not. I walked away. Ava was on my bed.

"Hey baby." She said.

"Hey.." I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a little pout.

"Chloe pushed me away, I thought we were best friends." I explained.

"I told you that girl was horrible. She pushed you, her best friend away. She's just looking for attention, but I'm here for you." She smiled rubbing my back.

"Thanks. I love you." I said smiling..

"Love you too." Ava smiled pecking my lips.

-Few days later Nobody's P.O.V-

Chloe never came out of her room. Only to get food, or to hang with Jake. Emilio and Chloe eventually stopped talking to each other. She pushed Emilio away, he stopped trying. She then pushed social media away.

She didn't push her friends away. She kept a smile on her face. She decided to go back on social media. On Instagram she had over 100 comments, 100 dms, she read every single comment.

(A/N lmao I made this so dramatic and making her seem like a attention seeker, sorry 'bout that!)

She blocked out social media again. She started believing for hope. For hope that it would stop. The hate would stop. Suddenly she got a anonymous text message.


I told you to back away from Emilio. You didn't listen, and the hate came. Then you starters to listen, now you stay away from team 10. Or else it'll get worse. You don't deserve to be friends with them, you didnt earn it.

why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you? Who are you?

I'm doing this because I know you love Emilio, you don't deserve him. You tried to take Emilio away. I'm you're worse nightmare

Is this Ava?

wow you're actually smart! Can't wait to see you tomorrow at school. bye bye now😘 better watch out. And don't try telling anybody, these messages will be deleted.

Chloe was shocked. She didn't want this at all. She forgot she was starting school tomorrow.

Hola :D Jesus I need help. I got 12 views on my first chapter🙃 my second was just 4 :((( oh well I'm bad at writing anyway 😂

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