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Your POV:
I sat with a bowl of cereal at the kitchen counter and listened to the droning of the morning news.
My grandmother sat back in the wooden dining room chair and watched intently at the tv.
A recent study performed by Dr. Bolivar Trask shows new evidence of the danger of mutants. Trask is proposing several solutions and new technology to protect civilians...
My attention was interrupted by my grandmother's disgruntled sigh.
"Those mutants are nothing but trouble. They're freaks," she stated.
If she only knew.
I tried to convince her otherwise,
"They're people just like us, Grandma."
"No they're not. They're monsters. And they just live among us like there's nothing wrong. I don't want to walk around knowing there could be one by me at anytime without my knowledge."
Her anger and fear made my skin burn. I got up and said before leaving as fast as possible,
"I'm going to school. I'll see you later..."
I stopped by Bo's shop beforehand. He was sitting at the glass counter as usual, with acoustic and metal guitars hanging behind him.
There were big speakers in all four corners of the store, pumping out The Rolling Stones.
"___! What a beautiful surprise this fine morning. How ya doing?"
"I'm alright, Bo. Still amazes me how you always know it's me though."
"Ay, everyone's got their own sound. And yours is music to my ears, sister."
"Hey, what album is this? Is this new?" I said listening carefully to the song what was playing throughout the shop.
"Sticky Fingers. New Rolling Stones album, just came in this morning. Only got four tracks though."
"Is it cool if I barrow them?"
"Cool as ice."
He handed me four cassettes and I looked at the clock on the left wall.
"Dang. I better get going."
I shoved them into my bag and said before leaving,
"Thanks Bo, see you later."
"Take it easy, ___."

The day was normal until my fifth and favorite period—Advanced Physics.
Science, especially concerning energy and matter, has always been my best subject, and you can assume why.
I was sitting in class as usual when I sensed another flash of adrenaline in the hallway.
Peter must be nearby.
There was something extremely odd about his emotional patterns. I had never sensed anything like it on any human before.
Maybe he wasn't human...
Again, the school day passed by slowly and I found myself packing my things to go home.
The halls were empty and silent, nothing to be sensed.
I was walking out of the building and beginning to head home, when I heard deep growling and loud  barks draw near.
I suddenly turned and saw a giant dog, eyes red with aggression, now only feet away from me. I quickly placed my hand on its head and used my powers to calm it, channeling a soothing energy to combat it's aggression. In only a matter of seconds, it was lying calmly at my feet.
I looked around with fear turning my stomach to see if anyone had noticed me.
On the steps of the school building, however, sat Peter, headphones clamped over his ears, with wide eyes.
Oh crap.
I left the dog on the sidewalk and hastily turned in attempts to escape his attention. But as soon as my head whipped in the other direction, he was standing in front of me.
I said startled,
"How did you—"
He interrupted,
"What was that? It's like you just controlled that dog's mind or something."
I ignored his question,
"Weren't you just on the steps? How did you get here so fast?"
Despite my accusations his presence was still calm and collected.
"I was standing here the whole time," he defended.
After a brief pause I said with my brows still narrowed,
"Never mind. I'm going home now."
I felt his gaze upon my back as I walked away. I peered over my shoulder after a couple minutes, and he was gone.

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