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I leaned against the cold brick exterior of Sit and Spin Records as Peter bent down, fidgeting a bobby pin around the inside of the metal lock on the door.
"I can't believe they just arrested him. For no reason," I said chewing on my bottom lip.
"I'm sure Bo can handle himself. Don't worry yourself to death."
"I'm fine," I lied.
There was a prominent click and the metal lock fell to the floor.
Peter stood up and crossed his arms,
"If you're fine then why is your lip bleeding?"
I touched my fingers to my lower lip and drew them back, examining the red.
"Okay, so maybe I'm a little nervous. But Bo was just arrested, and who knows what's happening to him now. What if they find out about me? Then what happens?"
He looked into my eyes, his energy calm and protective.
"You've been living with your grandmother for almost eighteen years and she doesn't suspect a thing. I doubt she's going to figure anything out. And if worst comes I'll just go and break you out of jail myself before anyone gets the chance to hurt you."
I bit my lip again, a metallic taste radiating throughout my tongue.
"But what if they get you?"
He shrugged his shoulders and replied with a grin,
"I probably should be in there with all the stuff I've stolen."
I laughed lightly as he turned to open the door.
The shop was almost pitch black, the only light coming from the yellow outside streetlights. I had never been inside before without music playing. The silence gave me chills.
I lit up my hand with a orb of energy and headed to the back to find the electrical control box. I swung open the metal door and flipped the switch, but the lights failed.
"Hey, Peter!"
He appeared next to me.
"What's up?"
"Power's been shut off."
"Want me to run and grab a flashlight?"
I suddenly pulled him close and kissed him passionately.
The shop was then illuminated by floating golden streams of energy.
"Got it."
He smiled like a little kid and scratched the back of his neck,
"I like your way better."
I chuckled and walked back to the main part of the store.
Peter stood behind the counter, looking through the filing cabinet beside the register. I spotted a box in the corner marked "New Arrivals" and began to examine its contents.
Then I spotted it.
A smooth plastic cassette labeled "Moonlight Mile," by The Rolling Stones.
"Track Ten," I whispered to myself.
"Firefly, you might want to see this," Peter stated.
I shoved the cassette in my pocket to surprise him later and walked over.
He was holding an envelope with my name on it. He handed it to me and I pulled out a note:

____, I'm assuming you and Peter broke in. I suspected that someone had found out about me a couple days ago. The shop is yours. Do what you'd like with it. Don't be scared by what anyone tells you, kid. Mutant and proud.

I pulled a set of keys out from the envelope and looked at Peter.
I was out of words. It wasn't fair what happened to Bo. But people seem to be blinded by fear when it comes to the unknown.
I was frustrated, frustrated that I couldn't ever have a normal life just because of some power that I didn't even choose to have in the first place.
A tear ran down my cheek and Peter put his hand on my shoulder.
"Let's get home. We have to get ready for the ceremony."
I was quiet before wiping my eyes and asking,
"Do you think he'll ever come back?"
He put his hands in his pockets,
"I don't know."
Peter kissed my cheek and put his arm around me.
"C'mon. We have to head back."
I grabbed the keys and the shop door slammed behind us, echoing throughout the street.

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