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Your POV:
My eyes were still heavy as I took my books out of my locker, preparing for another school day.
I could sense Peter, thinking he was being clever, who was sneaking up behind me. He slipped headphones over my ears from behind, and I could already picture his signature grin strung across this face.
I rolled my eyes and turned as I said,
"Peter, I know it's yo—"
I stopped when I realized what song was playing.
"Oh my God. You got it! You got—"
He finished my sentence for me,
"...track eight of Sticky Fingers."
"Now we have half the album!" I said excitedly.
"To celebrate the accomplishments of the Music Appreciation Club, I propose we take a field trip today."
"Skip school? Sounds like a real 'Peter-like' thing to do," I said grinning.
"There's only three weeks left of high school. You have to skip at least once, ___."
I looked around, placed my books back into my locker, and replied,
"Alright. Let's go."


"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I followed him down various streets.
"One of my favorite spots," he answered as we stopped in front of a convenient store.
"A gas station convenient store is one of your favorite spots? You do know there's one of these a block away from school right?"
He smirked,
"Yeah. But this one doesn't have a camera."
"Are you suggesting..."
"You see that guy at the counter? At 12:30 everyday he goes to the back to change shifts, leaving us a ten minute window to run in and grab whatever we want."
"Wait, we're not really gonna—"
"Eight, seven, six..."
"There's no way—"
"...Three, two, one."
He took off running into the store.
"Jesus, Peter!"
I said running after him.
He began grabbing different snacks: bags of chips, candy bars, basically anything he could get his hands on.
I leaned against the counter with my arms crossed, watching him enjoy himself, sensing the adrenaline rushing through his blood.
He paused for a moment,
"You're not taking anything?"
"There's no way I'm having any part in this."
"We're in a store full of stuff and you're not going to grab one thing?"
He quickly glanced at his watch and stated,
"You have two minutes," before running outside.
I smiled and rolled my eyes before grabbing a keychain by the register and a plastic bag, and leaving money on the counter for all he took.
I walked out and he was across the street, his arms full and a wide grin in his face.
"You're pretty quick, Silver."
"Trust me, that was nowhere near fast."
"Here, Maximoff," I said handing him the bag to put his things in.
"So what'd you take?"
I dangled the Statue of Liberty keychain in front of him.
"Sweet. Fun, right?" he asked while unwrapping a Banana Flip.
I laughed,
"Sure, if kleptomania's your thing."
"Alright, then what's your idea of fun?"
"C'mon. I'll show you."
I sensed excitement form in him, and in a brief moment of bravery, I grabbed his hand and took him to one of my favorite places of all time.
"Sit and Spin Records?" he said with a smile.
"Best place on earth," I stated before pushing the door open and leading him inside.
"___, I wasn't expecting you 'til the afternoon. Who's your friend?"
"Bo, this is Peter. Likes the same stuff I do."
Bo's wrinkled face smiled and replied,
"Speaking of stuff you like, I got a surprise for you. Gimme a second."
He disappeared behind a beaded curtain and turned to see Peter looking through some records.
I smirked,
"Don't steal anything. He'll know if you do."
"Yeah, and I'll kick your ass too!" Bo shouted from the backroom.
Peter laughed and I smiled at the dimples in his cheeks.
"I like him," Peter stated.
A couple minutes later Bo returned with four cassettes in his hand.
"Tracks two, four, five, and six of Sticky Fingers."
"No way! Bo, you're the man!" I said running up to the counter.
Peter followed close behind me and we examined the tapes.
"Looks like the Music Appreciation Club has some work to do," he said with a grin.
"They're yours to loan, free of charge."
"Thank you so much Bo. This is amazing."
"Anything for you, sister. Now you damn kids get back to school. Ya need that knowledge to feed your brain, you know?"
"Alright, thanks again Bo."
I said before we left the store.
Peter popped a strip of gum into his mouth and said laughing,
"Okay, you're right. That's the best place on earth."
"I told you."
The was a brief moment where we just stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes.
Then I sensed it.

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