He's Back

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2 days since I got the note from Vlad. 2 days since I've fed on anything. Edward is probably wondering where I am. But I can't stop thinking about Vlad and the note he left. So many question are racing through my head. Should I tell Edward? Do I keep running? Or should I just face the Vampire that turned me into one? I decide to clear my head by going out to hunt. I know, this probably isn't the best idea when someone who wants to kill you is out there, probably waiting for you. But I have to feed, I haven't had anything for 2 days, too scared to even leave the house , let alone at night. I have to eat. Or I save the trouble of Vlad killing me and I starve to death. I jump out my window and run into the woods. Before I know it, I see a mountain lion. I leap at the mountain lion and feed. The taste of the blood is delicious. 

"Crunch." Something behind me makes a noise. I stop feeding immediately and turn around. 

"What the hell are you doing? Are you following me?" I yell at Edward. 

"Sorry. But you do know I'm a Vampire, just like you, so I need to feed as well." He says.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Just got a lot on my mind lately." I said.

"Is that why you haven't been at school?" He asks.

"Yeah. Why? Did you miss your biology partner?" I laughed. 

"Yeah." Edward laughs as well. 

"Can I tell you something important." I ask Edward.

"Of course. What is it?" Edward asks.

"Not here. It's not safe. How about your house." I say. "He won't find me there." I whisper. But I know, that even a whisper can be heard by Edward.

"Who won't find you?" Edward asks. 

"I'll tell you at your place. I'll follow you." I say.

"You sure you can keep up?" We both laugh. I follow Edward deeper and deeper into the forest and soon, we're outside of the town of Forks. We arrive at a beautiful house. 

"Wow." I say. "It's so open." 

"What did you expect? Coffins and moats." Edward said.

"Not the moats." I answered. 

"Not the moats. Ok." We both laughed. When we walk inside, Edwards family is there. 

"Hi Bella, I'm Alice. Edward has told us so much about you."

"Oh has he." I said to the short girl with the brown hair. Jess told me about her. Alice.

"I'm Alice."

"Nice to meet you Alice." 

"Alice already knew who you were even before I told her." Said Edward.

"How?" I asked, confused. 

"Alice can see into the future and I can read minds. When I tried reading yours when I first met you, It's like you were blocking me off." Edward said.

"Did I forget to tell you. I'm a shield." When I moved to Forks I found an old bookstore and read some stuff about how some Vampires can possess powers."  I tell Edward. "Wanna see what else I can do." Before Edward could answer, I pushed at the air and a gush of air pushed Edward across the room. 

"Wow." Says Alice. 

"I can also put a shield around me so no one can hear what I'm saying. And I can shield other people as well." I say.

"That is awesome Bella." Said Edward as he was getting up from the ground. "Bella, you wanted to talk to me." Said Edward.

"Yeah." And I followed him up the stairs to what seemed like his room. "Wow, you have so much music." I say.

"Yeah. Been collecting it since..." He stopped.

"Since you became a Vampire." I finish.

"Yeah. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

I put the shield up around us and started telling him. "Well, remember how I told you about Vlad and how I became a Vampire. Well, Vlad, he's back. I got another note a couple nights ago. That's why I haven't been at school and I was hunting last night. I haven't eaten since then."

"What did the note say Bella?" Edward asks. I showed Edward the note. "You can't stay with Charlie, Bella. He's in danger if you do." 

"Where do I stay until Vlad is gone?" I ask.

"You can stay here. We have a spare room across the hall. I'm sure Esme and Carlisle won't mind." Edward says.

"That would be great. But how do I tell Charlie that I'm moving out?" 

"Just say that you're going on a camp with school for a couple of weeks. Anything to keep your father safe."  Edward says. I nod. I decide to stay at the Cullens' house until tomorrow. But deep down, I know that Vlad is watching me. Watching my every move. 

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