A new warrior

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"Is this where you sleep??" Hana question Henry as they where upstairs in his grandmother's apartment. "Sometimes" he replied, he went to a closet near the small bed next to it and was looking threw a box, he then took out a large book the cover was fair brown and there gold words in the front and it read "Once Upon A Time"  Hana look at the book it was wide like a kid's picture book, Henry sat on the edge of the bed and began flipping threw it. Hana only saw glimpse of it seeing different pictures on the left side and words on the right, she knew it was talking about a story.

"What exactly is that?"

"Oh is a book, more like a fairy tale book. It talks about characters and their story."

"Like Snow White??" she ask. She saw Henry smile when she mention her name not sure why?

"Yhea but is different it isn't like your normal Disney story, it has twist and awesome sword fights and adventures" he look at Hana and she was still standing near the closet.

"You wanna sit by me?" he said as he scoot over. Hana felt awkward at first knowing he is her brother, she felt uncomfortable but she nodes her head and was walking towards the bed when she trip over the box and fall's face plant to the ground.

"Hana!!" Henry scream, as he drop the book on the bed and jump off running towards her. She whimper a bit, As she was trying to get up. "what was that noise!" Henry jump a little knowing it was his mother's voice and he heard foots steps coming closer.

"Henry?" Hana heard the voice it was a male instead. Henry realize it was his grandfather as he walk by them. David then saw Henry near a young teenage girl with long blonde hair on the floor. She then got up and turn to see him.

Hana then felt a sharp pain on her head and she try not to cry. "Hold it together Hana don't cry in front of your brother and this stranger" she thought to herself. 

"Oh no, don't touch it!" David order Hana as she was going to touch her forehead. He walk close to her and kneel down seeing Hana had a big bruise on her head. "Here" he said and he help Hana get up. "Come with me" he told her, Hana follow him down the stairs. 

Henry was walking behind them when he saw the box Hana trip over and saw pieces of papers. He grab them and counted to be 12 he look at them and they had pictures and writing he then examine closer and realize it was part of the book! 

He ran up to the bed and flip threw the old book and found that the last pages where missing. Henry never went this far from the book he only learn about it when Mary gave it to him before the curse was broken. He then sat on the bed and decide to read the story.

"A little girl will be born and she will save a town, she will brake the curse and help a town who desperately need's a Savior. She will have powers and will bring people's memory back. A young boy the offspring of the savior will be a believer, someone who believes with their heart and know's the hero's will succeed he is known as The Truest Believer. But no one know's who is The Defender Of The Earth. The defender will risk their lives to save a town, the people they love, and their families even if it cause that person death. The three will join forces and defeat the lord of evil who will bring unhappiness to the world"

Henry look at the picture it had a tall guy with long black and red clothing flames behind him and snake as well. "I need to find who is this Defender of The Earth is" he said in his head.

The Lost Daughter ~A OUAT fanfiction~ PART 1. {Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now