Biological vs Adopted

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You can kinda guess what will happen.....

Great, now what are they going to do. Hana is capture by the black fairy and Gideon and they have no idea what they may be doing to her this instant. Emma and the rest step out of the pawn shop on their way to Charming and Snow's apartment, trying to come up with a plan. Belle will try her best to find Gideon, but Emma is afraid it won't work, so they have to come up with a backup plan.

When they where walking down the streets of Storybrooke, they spotted familiar people, a marry couple running in the streets like a wild goose chase, that is when they realize it was Betty and Ben. Hana's adopted parents, "Great.. " Emma said in her head.

"There you guys are!!" Betty yelled at them, they where now face to face with them, Henry notice they are not happy.

"Where's Hana!!" Ben spat at them, Regina step up "Listen.."

"NO!! You listen to me!!! Hana is gone she is not answering any of our message!!" Ben voice stared to raise. "We thought she was with Henry but apparently not!! Now where is SHE!!"

"Hana---was cap--ture" Regina mumbled. Betty put's her hand on her mouth tears began to form on her brown eyes. Ben try to talk but words couldn't come out.

Henry back away, he knew what was coming next. "She got kidnap...." he choked. "Called it"  Henry said to himself. "Look---we are--" Snow try to talk but Ben cut her off.

"NO!! We need to call the police!!" Ben raise his voice, panicked raise in Emma. "No!!"

Ben raised an eyebrow, "We don't need the police" Emma told him, Ben was opening is mouth but look like he regretted what he was going to say, but say it anyway.

"Ohh, We don't need the police??? Are you stupid!!" Ouch. Emma back away and saw the anger in his eyes. "We need to get the FBI in the case!! She got kidnap for crying out loud!!" 

"Who know's what they might be doing to her!! They could tortured her, make her into a slave, sell her, even raped her!!" That word caught Hook's attention, Henry knew he was going to explode. "Or worst.. even death!!!!"

"She is not dead!!!" Charming yelled, Ben look at him as if her had gone insane. "How do you know??" Betty ask him crying. 

"I don't" he said "But I know she isn't dead" Charming said it confidently. "We will find a plan to get her back" Snow added.

" I don't know about you... But I am calling the cops!" Betty said. "I'm with my wife!! Once they rescued her and put's does criminals to jail, we are bringing her back to L.A!"

Henry gasp under his breath. They can't bring her back to L.A he finally has a sibling and now they are tacking her away! He always wanted a brother or sister as a kid, but Regina told him that she doesn't have time for another kid, plus he knew his mom won't be having a child anytime soon.

"Listen--sir" Regina try to talk, "NO!! Every since we got here strange things have been going on!! We want our old lives back, and I bet my animals are starving now"

"Sir!! Even if you do go back to L.A is not the same is not 2023 is 2016! You're in your 30's by now and you probably don't have your farm yet." Regina pointed out. Ben was getting angry every minute.

"Well unless when we get her back you guys are gonna find a way to bring us back to our own time!! Once the police get's Hana back, we are bringing her with us!" Ben began to bark. Hook face got angry, and so did Emma.

"This is a dangerous town!! Let's go Betty! We need to call the police so they can rescued her! YOU" he pointed at Henry. "Me??"

"Yes you!! Where you with Hana when she got kidnap?!" Henry began to shake remembering Gideon grabbing her him got hurt in the payment and both of them disappearing in the air. "Yes.." he mumbled.

"Why you did not protect her!!! You are her older brother aren't you!!" Ben yelled, Betty put her hands on his chest. "Hey don't you dare talk to Henry like that!!" Regina bark.

"I did try to stop him!!" Henry reply, "But I---I got hurt and couldn't get up, You can't take her away from me!!" Ben and Betty look confused.

"Henry.." Emma began to talk.

"NO! I finally have a sister! and I always wanted a sibling, And know that I do you are trying to take her way!!"

"Well you should have thought of that before you couldn't stop the kidnapper. Our daughter is in danger and she might be dea--" Ben try to finish his sentence when "SHE IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!" Hook roars. That suprize everyone, including him. 

Ben look at him angrily, "She is our daughter!" Emma responded, "And we are going to rescued her no matter what it takes"

"YOU!! rescuing her!!!" Ben spatted, "YOU GUYS ABANDON HER!!" With that word it felt like someone impaled a sword Emma in her heart. "Ok you bloody moron!!" Hook yelled and threw a punch to Ben's face causing him to have his back touched the cement.

"Killian!!!" Emma yell, Hook sat a top of Ben and began to punch him all over again, causing him to have a bloody nose. Betty began to scream in horror. Charming grab Hook and try to pull him away and succeeded, David put is hand on his chest calming him down.

"BEN!!" Betty wept willing running to him and grabbing him. He put his finger in his nose and saw the blood flowing to his mouth. "You guys are crazy!!" 

"Ok! That's it!" Regina said, she wave her hand and they installing fell asleep. They where laying on their back and their eyes where shut close. 

"Regina!!" Snow whined, "Don't worry--they are asleep, we can clean him up and set them to their bed's the spell should last for a few day's enough time to find Hana"

"Regina's right." she look at Henry, "Let's get you're sister back" Henry had a smile on his face, she then turn to Hook they both lock eyes, "Let's get our daughter back"

YAY chapter realize do you think after Hana is rescued will Hook and Emma get close to her??

Plus more detail on why she was left in Ben and Betty's door step coming soon!!

The Lost Daughter ~A OUAT fanfiction~ PART 1. {Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now