We need help

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Emma was walking in Storybrooke along side with her parents, Hook, Henry and Regina, they where heading their way to a pawn shop it was somewhere in the town and they open the door a bell ring from the top and one by one they enter.

"Gold!" Emma yelled, she try looking around when she saw a middle age man with light brown hair and wearing a tux walk next to them. "What seem's to be the trouble?" he ask.

"We need your help" Snow tells him, "My help??" he question.

"Yes, is about Hana.." Regina said.


"Oh right he doesn't know her" Regina reminded everyone, 'Well this girl name Hana well... how do I put this.. well she is..."

"She's our daughter..." Hook finish Regina's sentence, Gold look confused Emma then clarify "She is my daughter and we need you're help, your son kidnap her." Emma huffed him.

"Emma calm down.." Charming whisper and putting his hand on her shoulder. Gold look at Emma and she look back at him. 

"What's going on??" it was the voice of a sweet woman, she had long brown hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a clothing that look like a fashion runaway. "Emma??" she said.

"Belle... Do you know where Gideon is??" Hook ask her, Belle had a confused face written all over her. "No... What happen?? Did he did something horrible?" she panted.

"No.. well yes.." Regina told her, "He kidnap Hana... she is Emma and Hook's daughter.."

Ok now Belle was totally confused, "Is a long story" Emma sighted "We need to find Gideon and the Black fairy who know's what they might be doing to her.." she sighed. 

"We could help you.. but I have no idea where they are.." he honestly told them. 

"This is a waist of time!" Regina huffed, "The only way to know is to summon him" she added.

"True... if Belle or Gold can call to him maybe he will appear and you guys can ask them where Hana is" Snow explain to them. Belle and Rumple look at each other, "How he could do this.." she bawled.

"Gideon could not... I mean.. he wouldn't kidnap someone.." she wailed.

"Unless if he is being control" Emma added, Rumpelstiltskin then remember Gideon saying to him that the Black fairy took his heart and know she commands him, whatever order it is he has to follow it whether he likes it or not.


Hana was sitting in her cell, in the cold dirt she was crying and hugging her legs, she wants to go back home. She wants to see Betty and Ben again she kinda miss the country side back in L.A, where she help the animals her friends at school, she misses Henry the most she feels he was the only one who understood her, but deep down she also miss Emma and Hook.

She then heard a loud noise and lifted her head up she heard footsteps but sounded like heels. Then she saw a tall woman with black hair, a black and dark purple dress, she had the biggest smile in her face, "Why hello..." she smirked.

Hana did not respond, "Quiet are you? Hmmm" she walk close to her cell and place her hands on the sliver cold bar's. "So talk!!" she yelled. Hana flinch a little. 

What did she want her to talk about? "Like what..." she whisper, her voice sounded scare she knew the woman can tell by her wicked smile.

"About you and my Grandson...." she bickered. What grandson?? What was she talking about??

"You know.. about you and Gideon.."

Hana look at her weird, "He said you had a vision... a connection between him.."

Does she mean the boy that kidnap her? The one in the woods? Him?

"I.. did.. I did felt a connection.." she told her, "Your parents...." the lady said.

"Your mother is the savior and your father is that pirate, also your brother is the author and the truest believer... you are.... unknown" she said.

"I.. Don't know what are you talking about!" she choked. What was she talking about, why did she said her mom was a savior?? Or why her father is a pirate?? Well he looks like one.

"Ohhh, that's right..you don't know the whole story.." she beamed.  "Now.. child.. sit down cause this bedtime story... is a llloooonnng story." she finish her sentence with a huge smile. 

The Lost Daughter ~A OUAT fanfiction~ PART 1. {Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now