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How well do you see yourself as a person?

How do you characterize yourself? 

How do you characterize other people around you?

Girl there is a lot of question going inside of your brain that's natural. And its not just you. Its everyone around you. Maybe some of them express it out loud, some tell their friends and some keep everything up to themselves.

But who are you?

Are you you because of people say something about you, they criticize you before knowing you, or just simply hate you?  

There are so many types of people out there. They come in different attitudes. There are random people who hates you at first sight because of rumors spread by other people or simply because of nothing. There are people who hates you because of how you think, walk, talk, dance, sing live your life, everything that has something to do with your everyday life. There people who hates you because of your appearance. There are friends who appears to be nice but often hates you inside, spreading rumors or doing something that could bring you down.  Sometimes its your family too and loved ones. Everyone can be the source of your insecurities. 

But what did it really makes you? Answer this from your core. 

Did it made you stronger? weaker? emotionless? happy? 

Cause let me tell you something.

You will be the last and only person to know who you really are. No matter what other people say. Don't let it get into you. Once those little words from them step on your brain and hit your very nerve and sensitive side, everything will start to fall apart when in reality they know nothing about you. 

You should be the one doing the judging and no one else. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. You can either use them to your advantage of being a wonderful and amazing human being or it can break you. 

And that is the beginning of one person's depressions and anxiety. Aside from the physical stress you encounter everyday. Emotional stress can be one dangerous factor to a human being. 

Once you start thinking of something negative and live with it, soon it will start eating you and eventually affect your way of thinking where you will start to think that because of this your useless, your empty minded, your nothing and all of those words that can tell you that your'e worthless. And these things are what destroys you mentally and physically. And worst case scenarios are those who commit suicides and such.

That's why you should keep yourself sane as much as possible and know yourself all through out your journey. You can avoid thinking about his but for how long? 

That's why know your worth. No one is useless i believe. They just can't find their reason to live. 

Remember this sweetheart. You are beautiful. Everyone is created equal. You have your own ability maybe unique pr common that you can use to be a better person. You can either enhance it by taking care of yourself or simply be happy cause the more that you are being truly happy the less stress you are getting.  God gave you life and that's your number one reason to live. Continue making reasons and start loving yourself. How can you start loving others if you can't love yourself right? Don't let their words and the heat get to you. Just be yourself and you'll be awesome. 

One more thing. 

What you are doing to yourself is what you should be doing to other people. If you respect yourself, then you should respect other people. When you do good for yourself then do it for other people. Don't simply rush in and do some rash and blind act that you'll regret. 

Don't just randomly judge and spread rumors about other people because that's considered as an indirect bullying. What if a kid, a man, a girl, a family or whoever that was that you called by any rude or unpleasant things were enduring the same kind of pain that you have, silently fighting for something or they are going through something really painful. Do you imagine the pain you will be causing to other people? Not every person show how how they feel in their faces. That's why should be careful about what you say to other people. 

Cause how you treat other people doesn't reflect on their characters but on you. Honey being nice and natural doesn't cost you money. 

If someone did something bad to you, revenge isn't a sweet thing you should do. If someone did something bad to you then do something good for them. Soon they'll realize what have they done to you and you will inspire them to change.And you shouldn't be changing yourself just to be recognized or be friends with other people. You'll never be happy pretending someone that you are not. And you will never lose money and dignity by spreading and showing love to other people. 

Keep in mind that what other people do to you doesn't doesn't fully describe you. 

Be your own miracle. 

Be someone yourself would proud of. 

Be someone who lives on happiness, love and peace. 

And go girl. ♥


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