Chapter 8: christina

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Chapter 8 (Christina):

I went back to Nicolette's room a little early, to give her and Elliot some alone time. They were whispering and giggling and kissing when I left and I had enough lovey gushy stuff for the day. But of course on the way up I got lost- again.

I heard laughing behind me and I turned around, half hoping it would be Oliver who found me again. Unfortunately for my sake it was Gabe.

"What?" I demanded, every defense I had, shooting protective walls sky high around my self

"I am surprised to see you lost" he chuckled

"The secret to humor is surprise" I quoted to him

"Aristotle, I'm impressed" he said, he raised his eyebrows

"You know who said that, I'm impressed" I shot back

I felt uneasy around Gabe, I wasn't exactly sure why I didn't but I felt like he was hiding something.

All of a sudden a hum of energy shot through my body. It didn't hurt at first, and then it got stronger and stronger until my body trembled in pain. The world around me was changing colors, swaying and spinning around me. Then the ground jumped up at me and threw itself against me. Now the pain ricocheting through my body was too much. It all came out in a scream.

"Chrissy! Are you okay?" I could hear a layer of worry in Gabe's voice that made him sound actually human.

I wanted to respond but the pain was too much and all that came out was another pain laced scream. I blinked and he was next to me, was he moving that fast of was the blink slower than I realized?

"Chrissy, you are going to be okay." He told me, stroking my face with the side of his hand.

"Don't leave me" I whisper, my own trembling voice sounded muffled over the heavy thumping of my heart

"Never" he whispered back, promising. At that he leaned down and kissed me, his lips soft on my own. In the few seconds it lasted, it was amazing, all the pain trapped in my body was gone and all my worries disappeared. All of a sudden he jerked back, stood up and ran, breaking his promise as quick as he had made it.

The pain was back and another scream slipped out of my mouth. I needed to get help that Gabe obviously wasn't going to give me. I grabbed my phone as my body shook in pain again. I bit my tongue this time keeping the scream back. I had two people, I could call Nicolette ruining her birthday for sure or call Oliver. As much as I didn't want to call Oliver, I was not a bad enough friend to ruin Nicolette's birthday with this mysterious pain. I eventually was able to dial the phone, though I kept dropping it from the pains that only seemed to get worse. Finally the phone was ringing and I dropped it on the ground next to my head, breathing hard from the effort it had taken to dial the phone.

"Hello" Oliver asked, seeming surprised that I had called him

I knew I didn't have enough energy to talk for long so this was going to have to be short and sweet, "Help" I was able to whisper into the phone.

"Chris? Where are you? What's wrong?" He sounded panicked, I wonder why though, maybe the world was toppling around where he was too.

"don't tell Nicolette, call Gabe" that was all I could get out before another scream of pain, was let out of my dry mouth and the world collapsed in with me, locking all light and sound in another dimension.


Author note- what you people think!?!? Thank you so much for reading all this!!!!

Wo do you guys like better- gabe+christina or oliver+christina?

Comment, vote and all that good stuff!! And dont forget to keep reading;)

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