Chapter 2: Christina

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Chapter 2: (Christina)

"What is with Oliver?" I asked, I had to know, as we walked toward the center of town and where I was guessing was Panera

"I don't know, it's weird when he looks at you it's like... I don't know...he's reading your sole or something. He totally sees what's wrong with them."

When we finally got to Panera, Nicolette got a coffee, which she probably didn't need because she was already so hyper, and I got an iced hot chocolate. Then we walked over to a table where to boys sat looking our age. One of them stood up and gave Nicolette a quick kiss on the cheek smiling as he saw her. They sat next to each other so I was stuck next to who i was guessing was the friend.

"Christina this is my wonderful boyfriend Eliot" Nicolette grinned at me, gesturing at the boy who had kissed her. I had to admit Eliot was almost as good looking as the two boys we had seen at the school. He had similar looks to Oliver, color wise. They both had that pale, sunless skin with sandy hair and amber eyes but Oliver had more distinct characteristics and a see through face showing you exactly what emotion he was dealing with while Eliot seemed to have a rounder face that was a mask always seeming happy and content no matter what was happening. The only time I could see emotion on his face was when he looked at Nicolette and then it was filled with love and adoration.

Eliot grinned back at Nicolette "ohh now I'm only wonderful"

"Yep" she said, "ohh Christina, that is Devon"

Devon wasn't good looking but he wasn't ugly either. He had fuzzy, curly brown hair and nervous brown eyes that were hidden behind big black glasses. He wore a tee-shirt with some mathematic equation that i would understand about the same time I could walk on walls.

"Umm.... Hi..."he stuttered giving me a weak smile, that mirrored my own, his eyes looking everywhere except at me, annoying me because I could figure a person out pretty well by looking them in the eye " lemme guess, you don't want to be here either?" he asked with a weak smile.

At that i had to grin "I'm glad I wasn't the only one dragged here without choice!" He grinned back, he looked me in the eye and I could see how nervous he was and his lack of confidence.

After that Devon and I sat quietly letting Eliot and Nicolette do the talking. After an hour of that torture I convinced Nicolette to take me home. She gave Eliot a quick hug and kiss good bye and we were off.

"So..."she started as soon as we were out the door "what did you think of Devon?"

"He was nice..." She grinned taking this as a good sighn "but i could never date him" i finished quickly "he's to... Nerdy?"

"Drats." She said disappointed "that's what I thought. You seem more like the kick butt kinda girl. You would be so cute with Gabe!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, stopping walking "where did that come from?"

"I was thinking it back at school" she shrugged

"But he was such a jerk to you!?"

"He just doesn't like I date his big brother"

"Eliot is Gabe's older brother!!" I said Emphasizing older

"Yep. Eliot's a senior, Gabe is a junior and Oliver is also their brother, he's a junior too" She said this like it was no big deal "we could be sisters in law!"

I had to roll my eyes at her now "First i would have to date Gabe and he doesn't seem to like me and then we would both have to merry them."

"Gabe doesn't know you" she pointed out. I rolled my eyes again because she didn't know me either, but I kept walking. "I could see it in your posture though that you thought Gabe was hot" she taunted, but quickly amended as she saw my eyes go wide "only a girl would notice though."

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